3 AUGUST 1929, page 28

Manchester Economists Are Gradually Revealing The Truth...

era before the Industrial Revolution. To the monographs on cotton, iron and steel, population, and so on may now be added The Coal Industry of the Eighteenth Century by T. S.......

Scholars Were Not Deeply Impressed By Samuel Butler's...

the Odyssey. He was known as an ironist, and it was difficult to treat him with entire seriousness. An air of paradox and michatwete seemed to hang over his con- tention that......

More Books Of The Week

(Continued from page 161.) The Survey of London, for which the London County Council and the London Survey Committee are jointly re- sponsible, is a magnificent undertaking that......

The Dutch Traders Of The Early Seventeenth Century Who Made

good their position in the East Indies against our own merchants were bold and resolute fellows. Typical of their experiences is the Memorable Description of the East Indian......

Answers To Questions On American History

1. The boundary between Pennsylvania and Maryland, later the official division between North and South.-2. New Orleans, in the war of 1812.---3. That by which each new President......