3 DECEMBER 1836, Page 10


STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The Consol Market has improved nearly i per cent. during the week, in con- sequence of the great scarcity of Stock. The books of the Three-per-Cent. Con- suls shut for the Dividend yesterday. Stock for Money was so much in demand, that at one period of the day the price for Money and the January Account was the same ; but a broker employed by one of the Scotch Banks having brought nearly 300,0001. stock into the market, the demand was supplied ; and at the end of the day Stock was to 3-16 dearer for Account than Money. Some sales have been effected to-day in Consols forMoney (special permission baring been first obtained for the transfer), at 873_ ; which was per cent below the price for the Account at tha time. Money is very much in demand for corn• mercial purposes. Two f res of minor houses have occurred to-day ; and it is anticipated that more win take place to-morrow, on which day, being the 3d of the month, a large number of bills always fall due. The house of Messrs. Douglas,Anderson, and Co., which last week suspended payment, has resumed. In the Foreign Market, Spanish Stock has continued tolerably steady. Portuguese Stock has been very heavy ; and the Five per Cents. have been quoted to-day at 43i ex dividend ; which is equal to 451. The other European Stocks arc without much fluctuation; as are also the South American.

Some of the Railway Shares are more in demand, but generally the market for these commodities is much depressed. SATURDAY, TWELVE &CLOCK.

We have scarcely any thing to remark upon to-day. Consols for Account opened, buyers, at 89, and are now sellers. Exchequer Bills are 8 10 prem. Iu the Foreign Market, Spanish Stock is lower-18i *. Portuguese Regency Five-per-Cents. are 43i 4, and the Three-per-Cents. 27* 8*. The advices front Lisbon, per Ranger, to the 27th ultimo, are of a rather unfavourable na- ture; but though the quotations of the Stock are lower, there have not been any transactions of importance in it during the morning. SATURDAY, FOUR O'CLOCK.

With the exception of Spanish Active Stock, which is about * per cent. higher, and in- which some few purchases bare been effected, most descriptions of Stock close at the morning's quotations. The afternoon has been passed in complete inactivity. A failure of minor importance has occurred in the Sugar- market ; but, with that exception, the day has passed off much better than was expected.

3 per Cent. Consols shut Danish 3 per Cents. 734 44 Ditto fur Account 8.4¢ Dutch 2¢ per Cents 534 f 21 22

136i 7 Mexican 6 per Cents

3 per Cent. Reduced New 34 per Ceut Anus Portuguese Regency 5 p. Cts. 4.3e India Stock _shut Ditto 3 per Cent. 274 84 Bank Stock 205 206 Ditto 5 per Cents 1836 Scrip . — Exchequer Bills 8 10 prem. Prussian (1818) 5 per Cent .. — Belgian' 5 per Cents 991 100 Russiau(1822)5 per Cent ... 1061 Brazilian 5 per Cents 791 80 Spanish (18'35)5 per Cent... 18i 4