3 DECEMBER 1836, page 10

The Theatres.

WE never thought that SHERIDAN KNOWLES would come to rank with dramatists of the Old Bailey school, who cull their materials for scenes of "deep domestic interest" from the......

We Rejoice To Discover, In The Tone Of The Conservative

journals this morning, a reason for believing that Lord MELBOURNE has adopted, or is certainly about to adopt, the policy of "open questions," which we have so earnestly......


SATURDAY NIGHT. AN arrival at Falmouth from Lisbon, brings intelligence to the 26th ultimo. The National Guards have held a public meeting, at which the Civil Governor of Lisbon......

In The Court Of Exchequer, This Morning, Mr. Fraser, The

book- seller, obtained a verdict with 1001. damages against Mr. GRANTLEY BERKELEY, for the assault committed by that gentle man on Mr. FRASER in August last.......

A Cabinet Council, Attended By Most Of The Ministers, Was

held this afternoon at the Foreign Office.......

Prince Polignac, With His Son, Arrived At Dover...


South Australia.

The Sydney papers which have recently been received show that the people of New South Wales take a lively intet est in the forma- tion of the new Colony of South Australia. The......

Sir Charles Greyille, Colonel Of The Thirty-eighth...

Who will have the vacant Colonelcy—a fierce Tory ?......

East India Shipping. The City Of Edinburgh, Baker. From...

to New South Wales, during the gale on the 29th, cut away her masts to prevent her going on shore in Bovesand Bay, Ply. and has since been brought into Cats ater. Arrived—At......

Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The Consol Market has improved nearly i per cent. during the week, in con- sequence of the great scarcity of Stock. The books of the......