The Sydney papers which have recently been received show that the people of New South Wales take a lively intet est in the forma- tion of the new Colony of South Australia. The various notices of its progress which have appeared from time to time in the Spectator, are carefully republished by our Antipodean contemporaries. In the Sydney Herald of the 7th July last, we observe the following advertise- ment for the conveyance of stock from New South Wales to South Australia.
"SOUTH AUSTRALIAN EXPEDITION. "The Emigrants and Government Establishments having sailed to South Australia by the last reports from Lloyd's, atal several other ships following immediately, a great prospect of lucrative speculation obviously exists in an extensive migration of horses, working bullocks, cows, sheep, &e. to a convenient locality near Spencer's Gulf.
" The undersigned are willing to contract to deliver any number of cattle, &c. &c. &c. at a rendezvous near Mount Arden, int, the vicinity of Spencer's Gulf, being a rich pastoral country, from whence a comrnumcatiou will be opened with the settlement on the coast by a detached party. The terms or sheep, 4s. per head.
Ditto mares and horses. 51. per head. Ditto working bollocks, oxen, and cows, 21. per head, which includes all expenses. "Persons desirous of proceeding in charge of their own stock, will be treated with on reasonable terms. Apply personally or by letter, post-paid, to