Correspondence of Lady Mary Watley Montagu. Edited by Lord WharuelitTe. In- cludisg upwards of one hundred :ital fifty Letters tower before published : a Me- moir of the Court of George the First. by Lady Montagu; and a Life of the Aw t hore,,s, by Lord Wharucliffe In 3 vols. with Portraits.. Bentley. MEDICiNE, The Fallacy of the Art of Physic, as Taught in the Schools; with the Development of new and important Principles of Prac, ice. By SAMMI Dickson, CiteHen. ham, formerly a Medical Officer on the Staff Longman and Co.
Lionel Wakefield. By the Author of Sydenham." In 3 vols. Bentley.
The Andalusian Annual, for 1837. Edited by Michael Burke finnan. Esq. Author of " The Court and Camp or ma otoos." Marrone.
The British Almanack, and Companion, or Year-book of General Information. for 1837. Knight.
The British Household Almanack anti Yearbook, for I837 Kukla.
The British Working-Alan's A Imattock, and Companion, tor the Year 1837. Alight. The Comic Almanack, for 1837; an Ephemeris iu Jest and Earnest. By It igdum Funnidos. Gent... Tilt. Temporis Catcall:alum; or an Almanack for the Year of our Lord 1837, being the first after Bissextile or heap Year. By Willis Rogerson. Stephens. Oliver and Boyd's Threepenny and Penny Almanack and Daily Remembrancer for 1837. Simpkin end Marshall; Oliver and Boyd. Edinburgh. The Golden Almanack, thr 1=37. The Silver Almanack. fur 1s37. Howlett owl Son. British Animal, and Epitome of the Progress of Science. Edited by Robert D. Thompson, M.D. • Baillierc.