The Honourable Mr. Lamb, only son of Viscount Melbourne, died on Sunday morning, at the residence of his Lordship in South Street. Mr. Lamb had been seriously indisposed for several days. The Duke of Hamilton has been suffering from an attack of oph- thalmia. His Grace has returned from Paris, whither he proceeded to consult the homoeopathic doctor, Dr. Huhnnemann. Lord Spencer arrived in town on Saturday, and on Sunday visited several of his political friends. We were the first of the London journals to announce the arrival of Earl Spencer in London. The communications which his Lordship commenced with some of his political friends on the previous day, continued throughout Sunday, and much bustle was perceptible among Ministers and their personal adherents at the West end of the town.— True Sun.
Lord Brougham has lately been giving several dinners to a select circle of his friends at his residence in Berkeley Square. The parties have generally averaged from eight to twelve. Lord Lowther is expected to arrive in a few days from the Con- tinent.
Lord Melbourne has appointed a son of Mr. John Martin, the painter, to a clerkship in one of the Government offices. It is said that Lady Manncji& is to succeed Lady Howe as a Lady of the Bedchamber. Toryism is still ostentatiously predominant in her Majesty's household.
Lord John Russell has appointed Mr. Charles Erskine and Mr. Charles Lister, one of his Lady's relatives, to fill the vacancies in the Clerkships in the Home Department. Earl Talbot is entertaining a numerous party of sporting friends at Ingestrie Hall, Blithefield, Staffordshire. Several coursing-matches took place last week, in most of which his Lordship's fine dog Sparta- cus carried off the prize.
The Duke of Wellington is expected to pay his annual visit to the Duke of Rutland at the end of the month ; when a distinguished party will be assembled at the Castle. Earl Jermyn, Lords Rokeby, Fores- ter, C. Manners, and Sir Frederick Trench, are expected to be of the party.