3 DECEMBER 1842, Page 12

Miss KEMBLE'S reappearance at Covent Garden on Tuesday drew a

fall attendance to Semiramide, lifasaniello, performed as an afterpiece to The Tempest, was not so attractive. The Haymarket Cure for Love may prove a cure for the suicidal mania also ; the principal incident exhibiting that criminal folly in a most ludicrous light. A love-lorn swain, rushing into the Serpentine, runs against a henpecked husband bent on the same purpose : the two disconsolates agree to drown their cares in a bowl, instead of themselves in the river ; and it turns out that the husband has been driven to des- peration by the very woman who had jilted the despairing lover. When we add that FARREN is the married and BUCKSTONE the bachelor fool, that Mrs. GLOVER is a venomous old maid, and Mrs. W. CLIFFORD a dragooning mother, who with the wife make up a triad of furies that torment the victim of matrimony, the fun may be better imagined than described. BUCKSTONE'S buffoonery went far towards spoiling a droll part ; while, on the contrary, Mrs. W. CLIFFORD'S clever acting made effective one that is absurdly written. A one-act piece called The Dowager, in which Madame "Virrais and Mr. CHARLES MATHEWS have principal parts, is announced for tonight ; and CONGREVE'S Way of the World is underlined.

The Adelphi has likewise produced a farcical trifle with the title You Know What. The ingenuity of its construction, the slightness of its materials, and the grossness of its double entendre, seem to indicate a French origin, though Mr. BEAZLEY is said to be the author. WRIGHT as a husband apprehensive of his wife discovering his pecca- dilloes, 0. &tun as an old military gallant, who comes to his rescue, and Miss MURRAY as a pert and prying waiting-maid, are diverting enough ; but the fan is small in amount, and not of the pleasantest kind.

Monsieur JoixrEN opened the English Operahonse last night, with the first of a series of Promenade Concerts, on a grand scale. The theatre being taken by other parties from the 16th instant, the lumber of these concerts is necessarily limited to twelve.

At Drury Lane, The Patrician's Daughter is announced for Thurs- day next. A" coat and waistcoat tragedy" of the present day will be a novelty at any rate, and one that may be inexpensively produce&