3 DECEMBER 1842, page 8

East India Shipping.

Arrived-At Gravesend, Nov. 30ilt, Wigeon. Capes, from Singapore; Dec. 1st, Pro- vidence. Hicks. from Calcutta: 2d, Bengalee, Boodle, from China; Independent. Hop- kinson ; and......

Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANGE. FNMA? Ammar:N. There have been some very large operations in the English Feuds daring the last few days.. The Bank-broker bas bought extensively on several ea-......

Births, Marriages, And Deaths.

BIRTHS. On the 23t1 May, at Gresford, on the Upper Patterson River, New South Wales, the Lady of CONSTANTINE TALBOT CRICHTON. Esq., of a son. ' On the 13th October. at Bombay.......