3 DECEMBER 1842, Page 8



On the 23t1 May, at Gresford, on the Upper Patterson River, New South Wales, the Lady of CONSTANTINE TALBOT CRICHTON. Esq., of a son. ' On the 13th October. at Bombay. the Lady of Captain E. H. HAW, of the Nineteenth Native Infantry, of a son, still-born.

On the 5th November, at Ashford Hall, near Ludlow, the Lady of Major-General LECHMERE RUSSELL. C.B., of a daughter.

On the 17th, at Rome, the Lady of Witmaxt Lowrate Rens, Esq., of Woodhall, Norfolk, of a son.

Oti the 2001. at Alfred Place, Alexander Square, the Lady of W. Perron, Esq., of Castle Carruw, Leitrim, of twin sous.

Oa the 224. at Caries, on the Lake of Geneva, the Lady of the Hon. Captaiu Flamm. RICK PELHAM, R.N., of a daughter.

On the 25th, at East Deane, Isle of Wight, the Lady JANE Sworntraxe, of Twins. On the 26th, at Meppenhall Rectory, Beds, the Lady of the Rev. H. Iltavarrra, of a daughter. On the 27th, at Long Wittenham, Berke, the Lady of the Rev. ROBERT R. Heats, of II SOD.

On the 29th, the Lady of Colonel GASCOIONE, Grenadier Guards, of a son. On the 30th, at Gaytou House, Northamptonshire, the Lady of the Rev. G. KENNARD, of a dangleer. On the 1st December, in Abingdon Street, Westminster, the Lady of Joan Tins, Pesrr. Esq. of a sou..

On the 2,1, at No. 77, Gloucester Place, the Lady of the Rev. Joint Lswaisia., Rector of Hamprestou, Dorsetshire, of a daughter.


On the 29th September, at Port-au-Prince, A. N. Sewm,t,Esq., merchant, to Madame MARIE LOUISA SCHWINGER.

On the 19th November. at Oporto. Some RAMSAY Tuozatiox, Esq., merchant there, to MARY ANN, eldest daughter of the late George Sandaman. Esq. On the 224, at St. Werburgh's Church. Derby, FRANCIS loaxsorr, eldest son of Francis Jessup, Esq., of Derby. to MARGARET' SOPHIA, sixth daughter of the late Captain Dob- bie, R.N., of Sating Hall, Essex. Also, at the same time and place, Lieutenant DOR- RIS. R.N., of her Majesty's ship Excellent, eldest son of the late Captain Debbie, to Lucy ANNE, eldest daughter of Frauds Jessop. Esq. Os the 26th, at Trinity Church. Sloane Street. Captain THOMAS WALLACS, Bengal Army, to Fanny TERESA, daughter of the late Captain John Wakeman Long. of Hans Place.

On the 28th. at St. Olave's, Southwark. J. P. SNEAD, Esq.. banker. at Brecon. to EDMUNITTINA Fasces, daughter of the late Colonel Gwynue, of Glanbrane Park, Car- marthenshire.

On the 29tit, at St. Pancras Church, New Road, CHARLES I. AFFORD, Esq., eldest son or C. I. F. Axford. Esq., Swindou, Wilts, to CATHERINE EMMA, daughter of George Waters, First Judge of Circuit, Tillicherry, Madras. On the 30th. at Rochdale. THOMAS, eldest son of T. Littleclale, Esq., Highfield, to Junta, second daughter of Clement Royds, Esq., Falinge, Lanc.ashire.


Ott the 26th August, at Ching•Kiang-Foo, on board of her Majesty's ship Calliope; Berme C. CATON. eldest son of Captain Beetle C. Cator, R N. On the 9th October, at St. Lucia, in the West Indies, Lieut. Juror STUART, of the Thirty-third Regiment, eldest sun of Daniel Stuart, Esq., of Upper Harley Street ; in his 26th year. Oa the 22d. at Antigua, Lieut. WILLIAM HARVEY, of her Majesty's ship Tweed, second son of William Harvey. Esq., and grandson of the late Admiral Sir Henry Harvey. K.C.B., of Widmer. Kent; in his 29th year. On the 5th November, at Charlotte Tovru, Prince Edward, Island, Mrs. Mamma BREMEN, Relict of the late Ralph Brecken. Esq., Lieut.-Colonel of Militia, Mut formerly Speaker of the House of Assembly of that island ; in her 65th year.

• On the 8th, at Madeira., Rymer atrost Cnow, Wife of John Clow, Esq.. merchant, Liverpool.

On the 20th. at Dunkirk. France, THOMAS BROOKE RINGLET, Esq., formerly of the Hon. Company's Artillery, at Bengal; in his 45.11 year. Ou the 24th, at St. Cross, Winchester, WILLIAM CAREY, Esq., of Water Wheel, Westmoreland, Jamaica ; in his 630 year. On the 24th, at her residence, Young Street, Kensington, Mrs. MARY EDMONDS, Relict of the late Rev. John Edmonds, of the county of Warwick; in her 96th year.

On the 25th. at Basingstoke, Haute, Joan Simmons, Esq., banker, and many years one of the Magistrates of that town.

On the 26th. at Hinckley, Leicestershire. the Rev. Dr. Woone. On the 27t1u, at Hackney, JANE ',smarms, Wife of the Rev. IL R. Shepherd, B.A.,- Chaplain at Dacca. Bengal.

Ou the 27th. at Brighten, Mrs. Rmsecee WIICTER, Widow of the late Rev. Robert Winter, DD.; in her 76th year. Ott the 28th, at Feuiton Court. Devon, FRANCES DUKE. Wife of the Hon. Mr. Justice Patteson, and only daughter of the late J. Coleridge, Esq., of Heath's Court. Devon. On the 28th. at Southampton, Mrs. CaaaLorre BUC.KLE formerly of the Mythe House, Tewkesbury. Gloucestershire; in her 78th year. On the 28111, in Manchester Square, MARY FRANCES, Widow of the late Major- General Robert Craufurd, who fell at the storming of Ciudad Rodrigo. On the 29th, at Harruw-ou the-Hill, FRANCES. Relict of the late Rev. Benjamin Evans. On the 30th, at Clapham Common, Joust Poem. Esq., late of Gracechurch Street; in hit 90th year.

Oa the tot December, in Wilton Crescent, Miswrite, Wife of George Drummond, Esq.; • in her 38th year.

At Halifax. the Hon. &meson SALTER Humus, fur Many Teats Chief Justice and President of Nova Scotia; in his 100th year.