3 DECEMBER 1842, Page 7


STOCK EXCHANGE. FNMA? Ammar:N. There have been some very large operations in the English Feuds daring the last few days.. The Bank-broker bas bought extensively on several ea- cations, but large sales have also occurred, principally on account of the Joint Stock Banks; and as stock um brought to market faster than purchasers could be found for it, the price declined; Consols for money having been as low as 945. An impulse was given to prices by the publication yesterday afternoon of the notice from the Bank of England given below ; and this morning an extensive purchase of Reduced Three-and-a-half per Cents on account of the Scotch Banks has tended to support the market ; prices being this afternoon at an advance of 5 per cent upon those of last Saturday, after Laving experienced a decline of 4 per cent ; thus marking an improvement of 4 per cent from the lowest quotations. The books of Three per cent Consuls shut yesterday, and those of New Three-and-a-half per Cents closed today. The quotations of Consols for Account are now made without the Dividend ; and the closing price this afternoon 935 94 ex Divi- dend is consequently equal to a previous one including the Dividend of 951 4. We subjoin a list of the days fixed for the closing and reopening of the books of all those Stocks the Dividends upon which will become due in January.

Shut. Open. Three per Cent Consolidated Annuities December 1st. January 17th 1843. New Three-and a-11 ilf per Cent ditto December 2d January lith 1843. Three per Cent Mounties, 1726 December 8th J tnuary 10th 1843. New Five per Cent Anauities December 9th January 10th 1843. Annuities for terms of years expiring January 1860 December 5th Jenuary 20th 1843.

South Sea Stock December 2.1 January 16th 18 3.

New South Sea Annuities December 1st January 17th 1843.

Ditto, 1751 December 1st January 17th 1843.

East India Stock December lot January 17th 1843.

Money business will, however, be resumed in them by private transfer on the 6th January. Exchequer Bills have formed an exception to the general rule of improve- rnent ; these securities having continued to decline during the whole week, and having been today as low as 48s_ premium, marking a fall of 13s. from the highest quotation recently attained. This declin i e s chiefly owing to a demand for money, occasioned by the partial revival of trade, which has called into activity much dormant capital that has lately been invested in these secu- rities: it is also in some degree referrible to the prevalence of a belief, that when the period for renewing the Bills in March next shall arrive, a reduction of interest from the present rate of 2d. and 24d. per cent per diem to 14d. per cent will be effected. The following notice was issued from the Bank yesterday afternoon : it differs in nothing from those usually issued on the closing of the hooks of the various Stocks previous to the Dividends, except in requiring bor- rowers to give promissory-notes. " Bank of England, 1s1 December 1842. •• The Governor mud Company of the Bank of England are ready, until further notice, to receive applications for luaus, on the deposit of approved bills of exchange not having more than six months torus, Exchequer Bills. aud East ludia Bonds; such lotus to be repaid on or before the 17th January 1843, with interest at the rate of 31 per cent per annum, and to be for sums not less thou 2,0001. each. In every case of advance, a promissory-note will be required. yi !tether such advance be upon bills of exchange, Exchequer Bills, or ludia Bonds."

In the Foreign Market, an influential but not extensive purchase of Portu- guese Stock has caused an improvement of from 1 to 15 per cent in every de- scription of these securities. Spanish Stock has been depressed ; but the spirits of the speculators have been revived by the insignificance of the revolt at Bar- celona, and the receipt of the money for the Dividends on the Three per Cents which will become due in January next. A long exposE has been published on the subject of Spanish finance ; in which, among other agreeable intelligence, the Bondholders are informed that the payment of the Dividends upon the whole of the Debt will probably be resumed in 1844: but, regard being had to the usual duration of administrations in Spain, we hold it impossible to predict what system may then be prevalent, and cannot value the post future promise of payment very highly. The real value of the document consists in the spirit of fairness in which it is drawn up, and the honest determination evinced throughout to make the resources of the country available to their fullest ex- tent to reduce the immense load of debt by which it is at present encumbered. That amount may be fairly stated at about 70,000,000/. sterling, viz.-

Five per Cent Active Stuck created before 1836 £40,000,000 Ditto, arising from Deferred Bonds 12.000,000 Making a total of Five per Cent Stock £52,000,000 while the Three per Cents arising from the recent conversion of overdue Cou- pons are about 10,000,0001.; the annual interest of which is 2,900,000!.; and an the capital will be further increased by the capitalization of all the Dividends accruing till 1st January 1844, the amount of Three per Cents will then be in- creased 7,500,0001.; thus adding 225,000/. more to the annual charge, which will then be carried to 3,125,0001,-an amount, we fear, too great for the resources of Spain, even should she remain undisturbed till 1844. In this account we have only noticed the Foreign Debt of Spain, withent in any degree estimating the obligations arising from her Local and Domestic Debt.

The Committee of South American Bondholders have applied td Mee08. LIZAIIDI and Co. respecting the Deferred Mexican Stock created and now in cir- culation; and having received a communication front those gentlemen, dated 30th ultimo, stating that the ainonnt of Deferred Mexican Bonds deposited with them is 5,400,0001., with instructions to issue only such an amount as is requisite for liquidating the old Mexican Stock: at the same time, as yet only 4,615,000/. has been issued. Messrs. LIZAHDI and Co. add, that in all arrangen:ents made

with reference to the Mexican Debt, they have strictly abided by the instruc- tions of the Mexican Government. It will thus be seen, that the excessive issue of New Stock complained of has been entirely confined to the Active Bonds, and that there does not appear any present intention of issuing a cor- responding amount of Deferred Stock. There have not been many transactions in the Bonds; which during the week have fallen I per cent, and are today nearly at the quotations of last Saturday. We cannot notice any large transactions in Railway Shares ; but, as is always the case when a rise takes place in the English Funds, these securities are ge- nerally in demand.


The English Funds are without variation ; the premium upon Exchequer Bills has advanced Is., and these securities are now 50s. to 52s. prem. We cannot notice any variation or business of importance in the Foreign Funds, unless it be the unusual occurrence of a bargain in Austrian Bonds, at 111. The New Chilian Deferred Three per Cent block has made its appearance in the market. This Stock arises from the 81 per cent of overdue Dividends ac- cruing upon the Old Chilian Six per Cent Debt, which have been funded into a Deferred Three per Cent Stock, with interest to commence in 1847. The total unredeemed amount of the Old Chili= Loan is 934,0001., and the amount of Deferred Stock arising out of it 756,540/. The price of the Six per Cent Stock is 70 75; but no bargain has as yet occurred in the Deferred Bonds, which are nominally 18 to 20.

The following transactions have occurred in Railway Shares: Birmingham and Gloucester, 455; Great North of England, 58; Great Western, 874; South-western, 605; Northern and Eastern, ex New Shares, 35; North Mid- land, 615 25; Pans and Rouen, 25 44.


Reduced Three-and-a-half per Cents have been done at 101; a higher quo- tation than they have reached for some time. 'With that exception, the English Funds close at the morning's price. Mexican Bonds have been as low as but close at 304 j. Spanish Bonds have also improved; both Active and

Three per Cents having advanced 5; the former closing at 181, and the latter at 235 4. The following transactions have occurred in Railway Shares in addition to those noticed in the morning : Cheltenham and great Western, 81 ; Eastern Counties, 104; Great Western, 88; ditto, Ne‘er, 634; ditto, Fifths, 84; Brighton, 35; Croydon, 95; Manchester and Leeds, 695; Northern and Eastern, 35; Paris and Rouen, 25 44 i; South-eastern and Dover, Scrip, 17 164 17.

3 per Cent. Consols Ditto for Account shut 93; 4 Columbian 6 pe. Coats .... Danish 3 per (,eats 214 I 82 3 3 per Cent Reduced 944 I Dutch 24 per Lents 521 ; 31 per Cent Ditto 1003 Mexican 5 per Cents Coned.. 304 1 New 31 per Cents shut Portuguese Regency 5 perCts. 371 84 Bask Stock 1724 Ditto New 5 per Cents 1841. 311 24 Exchequer Bills, 2Id... prem. 50 52 Ditto 3 per Cents.... 224 3 Ditto .4. do. 50 52 Russian 5 per Cents 1124 134 Italia Stock shut Spauish (Active) 5 per Cents

Brazilian Spec Cents

664 74

(Ex Coupons) 18 / Belgiau 5 per Cents 102 3 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 . 23 /