Arrived-At Gravesend, Nov. 30ilt, Wigeon. Capes, from Singapore; Dec. 1st, Pro- vidence. Hicks. from Calcutta: 2d, Bengalee, Boodle, from China; Independent. Hop- kinson ; and Barbara, Platten, from Bombay; and Phcenix, Cockle, from Mauritius.
At Liverpool -Nov. 26th, liesperius, Kelly. from Calcutta; and Lady Marshall, from Bombay ; 30th, Meg of Meldon, Bleasdale, from Calcutta; Dec. 1st, Potter, Sadler, from Ceylon.
At the Cape. previous to Oct. 7th, Childe Harold, Willis; Urchin, Hare; George Wallis, Humphreys; Courier. Scott; and Emily, Humble, from London ; and Monte. zuma, Selkirk, from Liverpool. At St. Helena-Oct. 16th, Chum]. Laird; and Mary Imrie. Boyd. from China Avoca. Ilowey, from Singapore ; Vectis, Quinton. from Madras ; Iris. Linton ; and Re- ward. Salmon. from Ceylon; and Lord Althorp, Whiteside. from Calcutta. At Singapore-Sept. 9th, Reckliffe, Harrison ; Alert, Anderson ; and Anthony An. &awn, Sprott. from Liverpool ; and Christian. -, from the Clyde. At Chum -Sept. lot. Louisa. Jackson, from Loudou ; Charleston.-; and Matilda, -. from Liverpool. Sailed-From Gravesend, Nov. 26th, Lady Bute. M'Kinlay, for Bombay.
From Liverpool, 27th ditto, John Laird, SL Croix, for Hong Kong.
Arrived - In the Downs, Eleanore, Jackson; Niagara, Champiou; and Mary Imrie, Boyd. from China; Avoca, Beadle, from Sitigapore ; Vectis, Quiuton, from Madras; aud Courier. Scott, from the Cape. At Liverpool, Clydesdale, Renfree, from Bombay,