3 DECEMBER 1842, Page 19


Tuesday, Nov. 29.


Maguire and Higgins Birmingham. woollen-drapers-Taylor and Co. Seentheatl, Yorkshire, coal-getters•, as far as regards J. S. Taylor - Meech and Kilner. Exeter. winemerchants-Braddock and Ratcliffe, Stockport, Cheshire, milliners-Souter and Symuns, Exeter Street, Chelsea. builders -B. and E. Butcher. Sheffield, mercers- Raynor and Thompson. Sheffield. attornies-Hardmau and Co. Farnworth. Lancashire, splud'e and Hy-manufacturers; as far as regards J. Warburton-Birtwistle and Co. Bury. joiners ; as-far as regards. D.. R.. and D. Birtwistle junior -Earlidge and Fin. ley. St. Johu's Square, dealers in sago-Richardson and Jenkins, Mark Lane. outfit- • ten-Whitley and Co. Wakefield, confectiouers-Phillips and Sudan, Charlotte Street. mteroy Square, dentists-Steer and Richards, Coventry Street, engravers- Whipp and Hayhurst. Constables, Lancashire. cotton.spinners - Kemal! and Co. Ferrybridge Pottery, earthenware.mannfacturers-Batt and Goodacre, Reading. pawnbrokers-P., T., and A. Weston, High Wycombe, drapers-Cochran aud CO. Liverpool, iuk-manu- facturers-Wilson and Prater. Kingston-upon-Hull. merchants-J. and H. Smith, Great Marlow, earthenware-dealers- Heap and Co. Accrington. Lareashire, engravers to caliempriuters; as far as regards A Moadeley-C. and J. Cave, Fletching. Sussex, farmers-Ashton and Co. Liverpool. ironfounders; as far as regards J. and T. Hartley.

eaexamerev ANNULLED.

Ihrowar, JORN, and Meaux, GEORGE. Walsall. ale-merchants.

FOSTER, GEORGE. Newcastle upon Tyne. woollen-draper. WATIONSON, RICHARD FOSTER, and HAIGH. WILLIAM, Huddersfield cloth.merchantg. BANKRUP11.

ANTEOBUS, JOHN, Birmingham. plater, to surrender Dec. 13. Jan 11: solicitors, Messrs. Vincent and Sherwood, Temple ; and Mr. Hodson, Birmingham; official as signer. Mr. Valpy, Birmingham. APPLEYARD, Kimura., Manchester.steff merchant. Dec. 13, Jau. 21 : solicitors, Messrs. Baxter, Lincoln's Inn Fields ; and Messrs. Sale and Worthington, Manchester ; official assignee, Mr. Stansall, Manchester. BELL. JOHN Hurav. Stoke's Croft, Bristol. apothecary, Dec. 13, Jan. 10: solicitors. Messrs. Edwards, Bristol; official assignee. Mr. Hutton. Bristol. BELL, ISAAC and DAvisort, JOHN, Newcastle-upoti-Tyne, earthenware manufacturers, Dec. 8. Jan. 10: solicitors, Messrs. Williamson and Hill, Gray's Inn; and Mr. Ingle- dew. Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; official assignee, Mr. Miller. Cuarrewroe, Jour liecerse. Nottingham, milliner, Dec. 8, Jan. 9: solicitors. Messrs. Cursharn and Campbell. Nottingham; official assignee, Mr. Bittleston. Birmingham. CUNLIFFE, Jour. Liverpool, coach proprietor, Dee. 9.350. 10: solicitors. Mr. Garey. Southampton Buildings; and Mr. Whitley. Liverpool; official assignee, Mr. Turner, Liverpool. EDMONDS, MARGARET, Park Place, boarding.house-keeper, Dec. 14. Jan. 11 soli- citors, Messrs. Pollock and Co. Parliament Street; official assignee, Mr. Johnsou, Basinghall Street.

EYEBALL, EDWARD, Liverpool, coal-merchant, Dec. 3, 28: solicitor. Mr. Rodgers, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Bird, Liverpool. Eradsorr, RICHARD and GOODWORTH, Jona:. 13arusley, Yorkshire, linen-manufac. turers. Dec. 12, Jan. 6: solicitor. Mr. Mencer, Barosley; official assignee, Hope, Leeds. FEATER, THOMAS, Ludgate Hill, mercer. Dec. 13, Jan. 19: solicitor, Mr. Ashurst, Cheapside : official assignee, Mr. Green. Aldermanbury.

GREEN, WILLIAM, Cheltenham, coachmaker, Dec. 15, Jan. 10; solicitor, Mr. Pack- wood, Chelteuham ; official assignee, Mr. Hutton, Bristol. DESLEKOOD, WILLIAM and Co. Red Lion Mira, Thames Street, white lead.manufac. turers. Dec. 12. Jan. 4: solicitors, Messra.Tilson and Co. Coleman Street; and Messrs. Wells, Hull; official assignee, Mr. Hope. Leeds.

MANSELL, EDWARD, Chipperamm, upholsterer. Dec. 23: solicitor, Mr. Pinuiger, Chipphenham; official assignee, Mr. Hutton. Bristol. MANWARTNO, MARY, Genial. Staffordshire, grocer, Dec. 8, Jan. 5: solicitors, Messrs. Palmer and Nettleship, Trafalgar Square; and Mr. Wight, Kingsromford, Stafford- shire; r fficial assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Birmingham. Nitrate. JOSEPH, Hercules Passage, Threadneedle Street, tavern-keeper, Nov. 30, Dee. 23: solicitors. Messrs. Fry and Co. Poultry ; official assignee, Mr. Lackingtoo, Coleman Street Buildings. Pales, BENJAMIN, Birmingham, general dealer, Dec. 5. Jan. 5: solicitors. Messrs. Heywood and Webb, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Birmingham. RoweLL, Thomas, Cambridge, linendraper. Dec. 5, Jan. 6: solicitors. Mr. Smith, Bedford Row; and Adcock, Cambridge; official assignee, Mr. Alsager. Birchin Lane. Tuomas, WILLIAM, Bristol, tailor, Dec. 9, 30: solicitor, Mr. Short, Bristol; official assignee, Mr. Acraman, Bristol.

THOMAS, DAVID, Manchester. merchant, Dec. 10. Jan, 14: solicitor, Mr. Hampson, Manchester•' official assignee, Mr. Putt, Manchester.

WARREN, RICHARD, Liverpool, druggist. Dec. 9. Jan. 10: solicitors, Messrs. Viucent and Co. Temple ; and Mr. Cross, Liverpool; official assignee, Mr. Follett, Liverpnl. DIVIDENDS.

Dec. 22, Hopkins, Leighton Buzzard, butcher - Dec. 22. March, Cheapside. hatter- Dec. 20. Cockburn, New Broad Street-Dec. 15,3. and T. Brook, Stourbridge. dra. - Dec. 22, Boggs and Co. Great Winchester Street, merchants-Dec. 22, Thomas, New Corn Exchange, corn-merchant-Dec. 22, S. and T. F. Jackson, Bermondsey Street. woolataplets-Dec. 22, Preston. Southtown. Suffolk, shipbuilder- Dec. 22, Sim- mons and Brook Dockhead, iroufounders-Dec. 20, Hutton, Fenchtirch Street-Dec. 21, Simmons. LOngwick, Buckinghamshire, corn-dealer-Dec. 20. Harrison, Tavistock Bow, hotel-keeper-Dec. 20. Brand, Cambridge, slater-Dec. 20, Brocksopp. High Street, Southwark, grocer-Dec. 20, Richmond, Lime Street. City. merchant-Dec. 21, Gough, Strand, patent-agent-Dec. 20, Hellmann, St. Martin's Lane. pianoforte-maker -Dec. 20, Land F. E. Kingsford, Dover, wine-merchants-Dec. 20. Buglass, Sunder-

and, victua her CERTIFICATES.

Dec. 20, Sharp and Pearson. Bradford. Yorkshire, machine-makers-Dec. 20. Lamb. Stockton. irou•merchant-Der. 20, J. and 13. Arthur, Meath, iron-masters - Dec. 20, Morris. Chepstow, timber-merchant-Dec. 20, Minty, Warmioster. Wiltshire. maltster - Dee. 20. Worington, Herbage, Le:cester. hosier-Dec. 22, Stewart, Ludgate Hill. mus- lin-manufacturer-Dec. 20, Kearse, Belgmve Place, Walwwth Road, tailor-Dec. 22, Beerbohm and Slaughter, Feuchurch Streetemerchauts-Dee. 23. Scott, Bow Church- yard. commission-agent-Dec. 22, Ansell, Pontypool, shopkeeper-Dec. 24, Kiug and Co. Beruers Street, paper.stathers-Dee. 23, J. and J. Atkins. Coulsdon, Surrey. lime. merchants- Dec. 23, Mills, Caterham, Surrey, inukeeper-Dec. 22, Colyer. Clifton Street. Finsbury, currler-Dec. 22, Wooster. Livemool Street, merchant-Dec. 22, Oabaldeston, St. Albans, Hertfordshire, dealer in horses-Dec. 20, Reynolds, Donate Doek, drysalter-Dec. 20, Ivery. High Wycombe, carpenter-Dec. 2.1. Flood, Dean Street, Westminster, surgeon- Dec. 23, Smyth, Cornhill. merchant-Dec. 23, Smith. Gate Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, bookbinder-Dec. 20, Simpson, Camberwell. tic- sailer-flee. 22, Humlrey. Great Stanmore, bricklayer-Dec. 22, W. and B. Cribb. Clarence Wharf, Regent's Canal Basin, lacifer-match manufacturers-Dec. 22, Mit- chell. Aldersgate Street, builder-Dec. 20. Sizer, Worcester, linendraper-Dec. 21. Dearberg awl Whitehall, Fore Street. silk-manufacturers-Dec. 20, Bryant, King Wil- liam Street, West Strand, bookseller -Dec. 21, J. and .1. J. Shury, Charterhouse Street, Middlesex, engravers-Dec. 22, Newman, Great Coggleshall. Essex, miller- Dec. 22. Reeve, Drury Lane. carver-Dee. 23, Mills, London Wall, canal carrier- Dec. 23. Smith, Pump Row, Old Street Road, timber-merchant-Dec. 23, Hunt. Wet. St Street, stationer-Dec. 21, Maguire, Liverpool, publican-Dec. 20, Braud, Cam. ;Tillie. Staler-Dec. 29„ Antrobus. Great Budworth. Cheshire, salt merchant-Dee. 23, 'mita Great Winchester Street, wine.merchant -Dec. 23, Dover, Three Cranes Wharf, merchant.

Friday, Dee. 2.

PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. and H. Stuart. Constitution Row, Gray's Ion Road, wholesale milliners-J. and e Atkins. Shoreditch, tobacconists--Jacques aud Barker, Nottingham, hosiers-Par-

Intl Evans, Birntiuthain, coal-dealers-Pumfret and Dickson, Preston, cheesefac- ?ors- Naylor awl Co. Wahelield. clah-merchants ; as far as regards Fernaudes-Thorn. ton and Backhouse, Halifax, carpenters-Shipley and Ginnie, Goswell Road, tobacco- Ohta -Turuor anti Gilmer, St. Alben's, drapers-Edeuborongh aud Pearson. Pancras

Mane ro r

tie. Cheapinde, wine-merchants - Nicol and Co. Egypt, chants-D. and J. Burton. ester. cotton-spinners-J. and C. Sheppard, King's Lyon, tailor-Rowe aud Y. Brimscomb Port, Gloucestershire, coal-merchants-E. and F. Pamphilon, Strand, eheesemongen-Hankins and Kelly. Liverpool, butter-dealers. DECLARATIONS OF INVOLVINCT UNDER THE NEW ACT.

ADAMSON, Joins TIMOTHY. Leicesterplace, Camberwell, victualler. ANDERSON, GEORGE, York, victualler.

ANDREW, WILLIAM. Broughton, Lancashire. attorney. BROWNE, Jotter, Shepherd's Bush, smith.

CLAY, THOMAS, Victoria Place, Hackney Road, clerk to an official assignee.

Erwoirra. Jostler. Spitalfields. cutler. EVANS. Ever/. Liverpool, shopman.


ESCUDIER. JAMES Louis, Castle Street, dentist.

FRANCIS. ROBERT. Canterbury. HOLDEN, Geeing, Dalton, Yorkshire, clog-maker.

JONES. WILLIAM, Acton, grocer.

LEADBEATER, JOHN, Hulme, Lancashire, wine-dealer.

LOCKWOOD. JOSEPH Tereus. Whitechapel. chemist.

MURRAY, JOHN. Gzonoz, College Place, Camden Town , engraver.

PARKER, Gsoacer, Ecclesfield. fork manufacturer.

PENN, OLIVES. Liverpool, coach-proprietor. Puma/. Boarier MIEIFIE. Gouldeu Terrace, Islington. attorney. SANDOM. JOHN, St. Thomas's Street East. Southwark. attoruey.

Stem LING, WILLIAM, Gloucesier. paper-hanger. THOMASON, James, Upper Tranmere, Cheshire, brewer. ToMLINSON. CHARLES JAMES, Trinity Street, Southwark, jeweller. TRICKSY. THOMAS. Bath, butcher.

WARR. James, Cheltenham. cabinet-maker.

Woom WILLIAM Pseirrox, York, mg-jobber.


Baooxg. THOMAS, and Co. Livereedge, Yorkshire. blauket-menufacturers.

LANG. JOHN, and Co. Liversedge, Yorkshire, blauket-manufacturers.


ALLEN, THOMAS, MACCleStleld, silkman, to surrender Dec. 6: solicitors, Brundett and Co. Inner Temple; and Mr. Thompson. Glossop; official assignee. .Mr. Port.

Home, WILLIAM DROSSY, Brierley Hill, S affurdeliire. wine-merchunt. Dec. 13, Jan.

11: solicitors, Mr. Collies, Stourbridge; official asignee. Mr. Christy, Birmingham.

BRADBURY, CHARLES ANDREW. Stockport, draper, Dec. 10, JAM. solicitor. Mr. Baddeley. Stockport ; official assignee, Mr. Pott, Manchester. CALDICOTT, THOMAS, Newport, Monmouthshire. grocer, Dec. 16, Jan. 13: solicitor, Mr. Leman. Bristol; official assignee, Mr. Acramau. Bristul, CortseLL, RICHARD. Milton. Kent, victualler. Dec. 12, Jan. 16: solicitor, Mr. Southgate, Gray's Ion Place ; official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Copthall Buildings. CUNNINGTON. Jour. Newport, Monmouthshire. bulkier. Dec. 19, Jan. 16; solicitors. Messrs. Hall and Jenkins. Newport; official assignee. Mr. Hutton. Bristol.

Emu, JOHN, Mansfield, brushmaker. Dec, 19, Jan. Ii: solicitors, Messrs. Payne and Co. Leeds ; official assignee, Mr. Hope. Leeds. FIELDER, THOMAS, Brewer Street, Somers Town, baker, Dec. 9, Jan. 13: solicitor, Mr. Weir, Coopers' Hall. Basingliall Street; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard.

CREATES, JOHN, Sutton, Yorkshire. factor, Dee. 9.

GREEN, WILLIAM, Birmingham, cabiuet case-maker. Dec. 9. Jan. 10: solicitor, Mr. Gidley, Earl Street, Blackfruirs; official assignee, Mr. Valpy. Birmingham. DOLT. WILLIAM, Mansfield, hatter, Dec. 17. J.111. 11 : solicitors, Messrs. Parsons and Been. Mansfield; official assignee, Mr. Hope, Leeds. HeamcArre, ROBERT, Manchester, victualler, Dec. 12. Jan. 9: solicitors, Mr. Chew. Manchester ; Gregory and Co. Bedford Row ; official assignee. Mr. Fraser, Manchester. DEDGMAN, JAMES, High Holborn, dealer in leather, Dec. 13, Jau. 18: solicitor. Mr. Taylor, Finsbury Terrace; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basiughall Street. JONES. THOMAS. Glen, Merionethshire, cattle salesman. Dec. 13. Jan. 24: solicitors, Messrs. Mallaby and Townsend, Liverpool; Messrs. Williams and Breese, Port Madoe. Carnarvonshire; official assignee, Mr. Cazeouve, Liverpool.

Messner., THOMAS, junior. Northallertou, merchant, -Dee. 14, Jan. 11: solicitor Mr. Anderson. York ; official assignee. Mr. Hope. Leeds.

Name, WILLIAM and Linear, JAMES. Tower Royal. hempen.clothmanufacturer, Dec. 8; Jan, 12: Solicitor, Mr. Cox. Bucciersbary ; official assignee, Gibson, Basiughall St. PARKER, SAMUEL, Egyptian Hall. lamp-manufacturer. Dec. 9. Jan. 13: solicitors. Messrs. Tyas, Beaufort Buildings; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard, THORNILEV. BETTY, Kroadbottom, Cheshire, grocer, Dec. 20, Jan. 19 solicitors, Mr. Ferns, Stockport; Messrs. Bower and Back, Chancery Lane; official assignee, Mr. Fraser, Manchester. TUCKED!, HARVEY GARNETS PHIPPS, Poultry, merchant, Dec. 8, Jan. 16: solicitors. Messrs. Lawrence and Blenkaroe, Bucklersbury ;official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Cop. thall Buildings. WINTER, ISAAC, Boxmoor, Hertfordshire, common brewer, Dec. 15, Jan. 13: solici- tor, Mr. Steele, Lincoln's Inn Fields; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Frederick's Place, Old Jewry. DIVIDENDS. Dec. 23, Hills, Bow. grecer-Dee. 23, Gould. Cheapside, stay-manufacturer-Dee.

24, Corbett, Lewisham, Kent. builder -Dec. 23, Glyde, Southampton Row, Russell Square, grocer-Dec. 14, Reynolds, Upper Thames Street, coal-merchant-Dec. 23, J. C. and T. Lucas, Aldersgate Street, luzenge-manufacturers-Dec. 23, West, Com- mercial Road, Lambeth, coal.merchant -Dec. 26, Britten, Bristol, woolleneiraper- Dec. 7, Bomford, Cheltenham, hay-dealer.


Dec. 23, Higgins and Mannock„ Dukinfield, Cheshire, engineers-Dec. 23, Wilke., Bengeworth, Worcestershire, coal-merchant-Dec. 28. Hepburn, Powis Place. Hamp- stead Road, bottle-beermerchant -Dee. 23, liouglinval and Farrington, Stratford, Euex, chemists-Dec. 23, Smith, Crerord Street, Iluendraper -Dec.23, Wilson, Pickett Street. Strand, printer-Dec. 23, Williams, Beckford Row, Wulworth, linendraper- Dec. 27, Wise and Co. Tomes, Devonshire, bankers-Dec. 24. Holmes. Birmingham. boot-maker-Dec. 24, Blumenthal, Birminghem, wine-merchant - Dec. 23, Bill Bits mingharn, japanuer-Dec. 26, J. and W. H. Hamilton, Manchester, ealiempriuters.-

Wood, Liverpool, optician. SIOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS. DAVIS, JOHN, Edinburgh, optician. Dec. 7,30. Macrame/re, Groacre, Glasgow, merchant, Dee; 8, 29. MACDONALD, ALEXANDER, Glasgow, hosier, Dec. 12, Jan. 9. SHANKS Gam-, Airdrie, weight, Dec. 9, 30. THOMPSON, JOHN, Airdrie, grocer, Dec. 10, Jan. 7.