Monday. (Closing Tuesday. Prices.) Wedaes.
Than. I
3 per Cent. Consols ....... • 941 941 941 941 941 shirt Ditto for Account 95 95 941 95 95/ 1 ex d 3 per Cents. Reduced 94 944 931 94 94 94/ 31 per Cents Reduced 1001 1001 100f 1001 1001 101 New 34 per Cents 1011 1011 1011 Rill 101§ 1012 Long Annuities 12a
121 124 12* 121
Bank Stock, 7 per cent.
1711 1721 1724 172 1714 1714 lnaM Stock, 101 266 266* 264 265 2644
Exchequer Bills, 2d. per diem 54 pm. 55 63 51 50 51 India Hued*, 34 per cent-. - 52 pm. 49 50 49
FOREIGN FUNDS. (Last Official Quotation during t he Week curling Friday Evening.)
labama (Sterling) Sp. Ct - Mexican Sp. Cl. 301 Arkansas (1863) 6 - - Ditto (Deferred) 5 - 8/ Austrian 5 - Michigan 6 -
Belgian 5 - Mississippi (Sterling) ...6 -
Brazilian 5 Buenos Ayres 6
224 Neapolitan is New York (1855) 5 764 Cuba 6 791 Ohio 8
Chiliau 6 88 Peunsyl yenta 5
Columbian of 1824 6
Peruvian 6
Danish 3 838 Portuguese 3 221 Dutch (Ex 12 Guilders) 21 Ditto (Ditto) 5 621 1018 Ditto 6 Ditto (New) 5
French 3
Ditto 6 Spanish s-I
18 Indiana (Sterling) 6
Ditto (Passive)
Illinois 6
Ditto (Deferred) ... 101 Kentucky 6
South CSIOSIIII 5 p. CL 72* Louisiana (Sterling) ....5
Toeuessee.. 6 -•
Maryland 6
United States Bank ii,.
Massachusetts (Sterling)6 91 V4rginis 5 -
during the Week endiug Friday Evening.)
Australasian British North American Colonial Lundou and Westminster Loud at Joint Stuck National of Ireland National Provincial Provincial of Ireland Union of Australia Union of London Dom; - East and West India London St. Katherine
Anetralian Agricultural.
Britieli American Land Canada General Steam New Zealand Royal Mail Steam South Australian Van Diemen'. Land (Last Official Quotation
H. aeons Brazilian Imperial Ditto (St. John del Rey) British Iron Cain Brauca Candonea Cubre Copper
Cheltenham and Great Western.
Eastern Counties GmndJuuction Great Western Liverpool and Manchester. London and Brightuu London aud Blackeall Loudon said Greenwich London and Birmingham Loudon arid Croydon Manchester and Leeds /didland Counties North Midland South-eastern and Dever South-western 251 88 35 51 51 1811. 91 70 624 62 221 CO 521
351 421 331 10
112 86 103 31 251
GRAIN, Mark Lane, December 24.
Wheat, Red New44 1046
Fine 48..34 White 40.. 44 Fine 46..50 SuperfineNew4)... 44 Old 86 .. SR a. •
Rye 30 to 3: Maple 31 20 82 Oats, Feed ... 17 to IR Bade. .........60 ..... 62 .. 23 White 30 .. 32 Fine IC.. 19 Hakim. 26 .. 27 Boilers 34 36 Poland 10 . St
Malt, Ordinary. 42 .. 40 Beans, 'Mks 05. 27 Fine 22 .14
Fine se 50 Old 29 31 Potato 8 24
Peall, Hog 30 .. 82 Harrow. 30 .. 31 Fine .... ta .. 55 AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. DUTY ON FOREIGN CORN Per Quarter (Imperial) of England and Wales. For the present Week.
Wheat 49s. 54 j Rye ad. Wheat ..... tOs Od !Rye tos.ed.
Barley ........ 211 8 Beans .... 81 10 Barley 9 0 Beaus 10 6 Oats 17 10 Peas..... ...... 33 9 OsIs 5 0 Peas 9 6
Gold, Foreign la Bars
Pillar D.IlL" al. II. IT Old Spanish, or
0 Mexican Dollars 0 4 4 darer in Bars, Standard
s. Copper, British Cakes.per ton 821. 10s. to 0 • 0 • I. n, British Bars 5 5 0- 0 91 dad, British Pig 17 0 0- 17 114 Steel, English 0 0 0- 0
BUTTER-Best Fresh, 144. ed.per doz. Carlow, 45.5,. to 41 6s. per cwt. BACON, Small Old, per cm-. es. to es.
CHEESE. Cheshire 54s. to ens. Derby Plain 50s. to 56s.
HAMS, York 66s. to rss,
EGGS. French._ per 120 eis. 6d. to lis. ed,
HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 36 Trusses.)
CUMBERLAND. SMITHFIELD. PORTMAN. WHITECHAPRL. 10.... 96* 60s... 832.. Os. Oe 73,, 844.
75 .. lta 0 .. 0 0 . 0 ... 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 •• • 90 .. 113 75 ..117 0 0 . 80 .. um se 42 84 . 88 0 o 84 ... so
Beef ts 44 to 3. Od to 31 10d. 2s 8d to as. 04 to 41.44,
Mutton 2 4 .. 9 0 .. 3 0 30 ..S 8 ..4 4 Veal 2 8 ..84 ..4 4 80 ..3 C ..4 4 Pork 2 0 . 8 4 4 4 320 .. 4 2 .. 4 8 Lamb 0 0 .. 0 • .. • •
Rape Oil ......... .....per met II. Oa. ed Refined 0 0 0 Linmed Oil 1 IS 0 Linseed Oil Cake per 1000 0 0 0 CANDLES, per dozen, tis.0.1. to Os. Od. Moulds (W. per Os. Od. COALS, Hetton His. ed. Tees 15s. 64.
Town-made ........ sack 404. to 450. Seconds -- 40 Essex and Suffolk. on 'wardship MI 25 Norfolk and Stockton- 29 82
BRAN per wanner Os. to Os.
POLLARD, One Os. to Os.
BREAD, 041. to 744. the als. Loaf.
Hay, Good
Inferior New Clover Straw, Wheat • To sink the oftl-peralbs. HEAD OF CATTLE AT SMITHFIELD.
Beast4. Sheep. calm. rum
Fdday .......... ..... ...... .... 598 .. ..... . 2,757 160 817
Monday ..•.. • ............ .... 3,789 24.810 ISO 427
TEA, Bohen, fine, p.11). Os. old. 2.1 Congou, fine ...... 2 0 -- 4
Souehong, fine 0 -3 0 • Is Bond-Doty 2s. Id. par lb. COFFEE, fine (in bd) per cwt. 1100. to 140s
Good Ordinary 50s. to 70s. SUGAR, 51 useovado per cwt./is...Old.
West India Molasses . . 550.00 Ms