At the meeting of the Anti-Corn-law League in Manchester, on
Thursday, Mr. Cobden stated the results of a tour which he had re- cently made in West Yorkshire : 150/. was subscribed at a tea-party in Sheffield ; 850/. (afterwards made 1,050/.) at a meeting in Huddersfield; 450/. in Halifax; where Mr. Cobden heard Mr. Charles Wood, a mem- ber of the Whig Government, make a speech that went " the whole hog" in Free Trade. The other point of Mr. Cobden's address was an attempt to dispel the delusion that much benefit would be derived from the Nankin Treaty. Goods introduced through Canton already circulate throughout the Chinese empire ; and we cannot take more of their exports. The thing wanted is a medium of exchange: could we take their goods and exchange them in other countries for flour, the extension of trade might benefit this country.