3 DECEMBER 1910, Page 13


Snt,—The Liberals object to the suggestion of the House of Lords having the power to refer the Bills of the House of Commons to the decision of the electorate. They object on the ground that this system would be used by the Lords chiefly for Liberal Bills. Is not that a factor that would tell hugely in their favour ? The most popular plan would generally be for the electorate to put into power the party that they were going to have most control of by means of this Referendum, and that would be the Liberal Party. Ba- the Irish Nationalists would need to be a great deal more reasonable before they obtained satisfaction from the electorate. Perhaps this is the reason why the Liberals had to decline! If the Lords referred Bills too often, the people would soon put a check on that.—I am, Sir, &c., FRNE-Tn..umn.