Engineering Of To-day. By Thomas W. Corbin. (seeley And Co.
58. net.)—Mr. Corbin has selected certain features of engineering which more particularly express the perfection that such-and-such a branch has reached,—the manufacture of gas,......
Chemistry For Beginners. By Tudor Jenks. (w. And R....
3s. 6d.)—Much depends on the style and handling of a general introduction to chemistry, for there can be no doubt that older readers anxious to obtain a grasp of elementary......
A Tale Of The Plantations.f
ANTHONY SHIPLEY is one of a company of twenty-five convicts whom the 'Sally ' of London carries out to Fredericks- burg in Virginia. He shows himself to be of different clay......
The Young Electrician. By Hammond Hall. (methuen And Co....
noticeable features of this introduction to electricity are its lucid style and its occasionally happy illustrations. The dryasdust scientific man is usually somewhat jealous of......
Our Village. By Mary Russell Mitford. (macmillan And Co....
6d. net.)—Miss Mitford's delightful book has never been more attractively presented. First—no one will question the precedence—we have an introduction by Lady Ritchie. Here we......
The Fighting Fame Of The King's Ships. By Edward Fraser.
(Hutchinson and Co. 6s.)—Needless to say, Mr. Fraser finds plenty of material,—fights that are little known, and others that will bear retelling. The story of Blake's attack on......
All About Railways. By F. S. Hartnell (cassell And Co.
6s.) —"All About" means, of course, all that young readers can possibly want to know. Grave questions of nationalisation may be set aside; how the permanent way is planned and......
The Pilgrim's Progress. By John Bunyan. Illustrated By...
Pape. (J. M. Dent and Sons. 7s. 6d. net.)—We do not dispute the cleverness of Mr. Pape's pictures, but they somehow fail to satisfy. One thought obtrudes itself,—what would John......
A Book Of Discoveries. By John Masefield. Illustrated By...
Browne. (Wells Gardner, Darton, and Co. 6s.)—Mac Shenstone and his brother Robin are adventurous lads, and one of their explorations, eminently successful at first, for it takes......