3 DECEMBER 1910, Page 20



ata,—The Spectator has always shown sympathy with efforts made

• to save for the benefit of posterity objects of natural and artistic interest and beauty, and I am emboldened by this to ask you to • let me state that an effort is now being made to purchase, and to make secure in perpetuity, one of the finest of the surviving old .1161184in the High Street of Edinburgh. The building in question , was at one time the town mansion of the ancient family of the 4Moubrays of Barnbougle, on the shores of the Forth, and still :retains internal traces of its former splendour, including a fine s. plaster ceiling of the seventeenth century, while externally it is possessed of many interesting architectural features. Its importance is, however, greatly increased by the fact that it stands next door to the famous house known as that of John • Knox, with which it forms a group of unique value. The Cc:a- lbum Association, which has been at work since 1875 in the interests of the amenity of the city and of the preservation of its

• ancient features, has secured an option of purchase for a short period over the house, and a sum. of £1,000 is required to enable , this to be exercised, and to put the house in thorough repair with . a view to its use by the public. May I venture to make this -appeal through your columns alike to natives of Edinburgh and -.øf Scotland, and to those everywhere who value these historical -.relies of the past of our land, to lend us some aid towards this end ? Subscriptions may be sent to the address given below, and will be ..gratefully acknowledged.—I am, Sir, &c., • . 43 Castle Street, Edinburgh. ANDREW E. Mtram,

Hon. Sec. Cockburn Association.