There are various rumours about the alternative plan. It is
apparently proposed that North-East Ulster, though theoretically part of an All-Irish Dominion, should in practice be given the power to contract out of the Dominion. In Ulster it is naturally argued that North and South in Ireland should come together in the Council which is provided for in the Home Rule Act. As a matter of fact, that Act provides for every right, and for every possibility of future development, which the Southern Irish can reasonably demand. The machinery is ready for them to prove their competence and their good faith. If they did this Ulster would, of course, come in later. The very fact that they are not willing io give this proof is very sinister indeed. Meanwhile, Mr. De Valera has made a speech to his constituents in Clare in which he said that in spite of all the " terrorism and savagery " that had been used against Ireland he and his friends would " stand by the rock of truth and principle." " We have gone as far as we can go consistently with our principles. We cannot go, and will not go, any further."