England Under The Lancastrians. By Jessie H. Flemming....
6d. net).—This is a new volume in the useful series of " University of London Intermediate Source-Books," which owes its existence to the initiative of Professor Pollard.......
The English Association Has Issued As A Pamphlet Dr. R.
B. McKerrow's Note on the Teaching of " English Language and Literature" (H. Milford, 2s. 6d. net), which contains some very plain speaking about the usual methods. " A genuine......
A Study Of Poetry. By Bliss Perry. (constable. 12s. 6d.)—
New books on poetic criticism are welcome just now, when theory as well as practice seems to be leading us a considerable distance away from the fashions of our forefathers.......
A History Of Sinai. By Lina Eckenstein. (s.p.c.k. 8s. 6d.
net.)—Miss Eckenstein, who worked with Professor Flinders Petrie in his Sinai expedition of 1905, has written an interesting history of the peninsula. It was a centre of the......
Behind My Library Door. By Dr. G. C. Williamson. (selwyn
& Blount. 10s. 6d. net.)—These sixteen essays deal with miniatures, clocks and watches, the first editions of Bradshaw, "-Ye Sette of Odd- Volumes," and other societies of the......
What Scouts Can. Do. By Sir R. Baden-powell, Bart. (c.
A. Pearson. 3s. 6d.)—This book is a collection of yarns in which good sense, useful information and an unselfish outlook are conveyed in just the right way for boys. It is a......
Works Of Refereicce.—crockford's Clerical Directory,...
fifty-second issue. It is now published by the Oxford University Press (42s. net ; in India paper, 83s. net) and it has been thoroughly revised and improved in several respects.......
Punch Drawings. By F. H. Townsend. (cassell. 31s. 6d.)— The
late Mr. Townsend had a ready and vigorous pen to draw with. His work is always solid and thorough, even sometimes to the extent of making the fun, which is undoubtedly there, a......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Notice in air column does not necessarily preclude subseiuenf review.] A Short History of the Papacy. By Mary I. H. Bell. (Methuen. 21s. net.)—Mrs. Bell attempted a very......
Messrs. Stanley Paul And Co. Have Published Two Little Books
of funny stories and anecdotes (Sunbeams and Who Told You That ? 2s. 6d. net). In spite of its unpromising title, Sunbeams is quite amusing ; and though they are partly obscured......