3 DECEMBER 1921, Page 27

A Study of Poetry. By Bliss Perry. (Constable. 12s. 6d.)—

New books on poetic criticism are welcome just now, when theory as well as practice seems to be leading us a considerable distance away from the fashions of our forefathers. Professor Bliss Perry's book is sound rather than inspired. There is not, perhaps, so much enthusiasm in it as there should be, but at least ho is never absurd, and his poetic illustrations are sound and well chosen. His chapters on rhyme, stanza and free verse are de- cidedly interesting. Perhaps inquiring youth, for whom, through his teachers, the book is intended, ought to be given' rather more of a return to first principles than he will get here, or if he is not to have philosophy should be given something a little more calculated to " enthuse " him.