Behind My Library Door. By Dr. G. C. Williamson. (Selwyn
& Blount. 10s. 6d. net.)—These sixteen essays deal with miniatures, clocks and watches, the first editions of Bradshaw, "-Ye Sette of Odd- Volumes," and other societies of the kind, and other pleasant topics of which Dr. Williamson knows much. In one paper he describes a little pocket-book of 1669 which was used by John Locke. In another paper he gives an account of the superb catalogues in which the late Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan had his books and art treasures described for the benefit of students, who may consult these catalogues in the great libraries. It is interesting to know that he collected rare vintages and had a catalogue of them printed in a few copies. " There were no such Madeiras or Tokays, no such old Claret in Magnums, no such Sherries in Demijohns, and certainly no such eighteenth-century Cognacs and Armagnacs to be found as this little book records."