W. lk J.
1188: Quotation by 11/18 by Ascot
A. first prize of L2.5 and a bottle of Graham's Malvedos 1979 Vintage Port for the first correct solution opened on 19 December, With two runners-up prizes of 05 (or, for UK solvers, the new edi- tion of The Chambers Dictionary – ring the word `Dictionary'). Entries to: Crossword 1188, The Spectator, 56 Doughty Street, London WC1N 2LL.
ill10 I 11 ll 16 13 14 15 • 20 11111 WI27 26 18 19 123 28 21
24 29 30 1 34 35 11111
ill III
A quotation (11 words, one hyphened) reads clockwise round the Perimeter from a square to be deduced. Its barred-off letters, and the corner squares, could form ONION PIE IS RARE DIET IF WE EAT HOG. Elsewhere ignore three acute accents.
Name Address ........
Dictionary prizes are sent out by the 'Post-a-Book' service.
10 Old vinegar is absorbed by fish (5)
12 Dissociate from almost all and sundry (7) 14 State, Connecticut, a haven to some extent (4) 16 Affirm dope always dined (10) 17 Tree, a mango, I chopped up around end of April (8) 20 Indian clerk left plant (5) 21 Stumble on crude oil, making capital (7) 22 Dehiscent fruit little chap presented to mother (5) 24 War-god, an oppressor? Not half! (3) 27 Kiss of peace from Penny — one kiss (3) 31 World famine's beginning to disappear (5) 33 Engineer's after drinks in plant
34 Dug in quake, mum being missing (5) 35 A horse and sheep, common features in crosswords (8) 36 Surgery, outcome of old Virginia's loose living? Dear me! (10) 38 Burden boy with English (4) 39 Fish, sea-bream, to eat (7) 40 Ate in, right? Cooked gasteropods (6) 41 Head of BBC goes away for free
DOWN 2 Firn still rising (4) 3 Native of Hanoi? See native relaxing about noon (10) 4 Holothurian: make a guess about length (7, two words) 5 End of stiletto put with extraordinary care in sheath (5) 6 Stable with enthusiasm is certain to succeed (8, hyphened) 7 Cuckold to produce an effect over a long period (7) 9 Riding-blanket from SE division of Sussex (6) 13 Girl's gold-filled tooth (5) 15 Coral island's one bar (5) 19 Ria, she paid for treatment for urchin's eye and nose, say (10) 23 Drink, one for each one in good health, served up (8) 25 Trees in region Latin god planted around (5) 26 William the Conqueror, say, at home against a socialist uprising
28 A born cheat in a joint (5) 29 Ram caught in trap unawares
30 A mother, busy type, stubbornly resolute (7) 32 Cap in East (thin worsted stuff) (6) 35 Partner of Robin losing his heart and soul (5) 37 Contend with Welsh opinion (4)