Morality is local
From John Moles
Sir: Some arguments are so bad that it is difficult to believe that they are being made in good faith. According to Charles Moore (26 November), ‘the irony [of the potential schism in the Anglican Communion] lies in the fact that the whites who are trying to push gay ordination are the people who would be most horrified at the idea of acting in an oppressive, colonial manner’. But American Anglicans who elected Gene Robinson as Bishop of New Hampshire or who endorsed his election or who support gay ordination generally within America have repeatedly emphasised that they are not trying to export these policies to Nigeria or Uganda, because they hold fast to the historical understanding of Anglicanism: that each province within the Communion is autonomous.
Which group here is exhibiting the ‘studied moderation’ that Charles Moore claims to approve of: those who uphold the principle of legitimate diversity or those who seek to impose their understanding of this particular issue on all Anglicans and who in pursuit of this impossible goal are willing to destroy Anglicanism itself?
John Moles by email