3 DECEMBER 2005, page 26

Morality Is Local

From John Moles Sir: Some arguments are so bad that it is difficult to believe that they are being made in good faith. According to Charles Moore (26 November), ‘the irony [of......

Rape And Male Power

From Sarah Farrier-Rabstein Sir: Rod Liddle (‘Sometimes women share the blame’, 26 November) may think he has a point about the greater likelihood of women being targets for......

Victors’ Justice

From Norman Burton Sir: The more I hear about Milosevic and his trial (‘International law is an ass’, 19 November), the more I think that history is repeating itself. I was born......

Conduct Unbecoming

From Professor Richard Holmes Sir: Although Bruce Anderson (‘Conduct unbecoming’, 19 November) could do with some help, he will not get it from E. Derek Smith (Letters, 26......

Conciliar Confusion

From Professor Sir Michael Dummett Sir: Paul Johnson (Letters, 26 November) criticises me for historical inaccuracy; even if he were right on this, it would be irrelevant to the......

Weeping For Wayne

From Peter Hughes Sir: Shall we be expected to observe the same Dianalia of mourning that has accompanied the demise of George Best if, heaven forfend, Wayne Rooney should now......