The decline of the Funds in Paris during the last two days, (preceded by an angry discussion in the Chamber upon the Address,) has produced a cor- respondent movement in our own Stocks. That influential class of capitalists known as the "Jewish party" have sold largely ; realizing very extensive profits by the late rise. The consequence has been a decline of nearly 4 per cent in the price of Consolsand Reduced Three per Cents; and though a trifling reaction from the lowest quotation has occurred, the appearance of the market has been completely changed, and it has lost that buoyancy which for so long a time has been its principal characteristic.
The allusion to the Bank of England in the Queen's Speech, has, as we ex- pected, completely negatived the reports lately current as to an arrangement having been concluded between the Bank and the Government for the renewal of the Charter: the whole subject is still open to the deliberation of Parlia- ment. Bank Stock, which had been at 196, was consequently, at the opening of the market this morning, offered at 192; but there were only buyers at 191: it has since been done at 193, and closes at 192 to 193. There is no change in the value of money, or in the premium of Exchequer Bab.
The transactions of the Foreign Market have been of an unimportant cha- racter, with little fluctuation. Speculation seems, however, to be attracted towards the Non-Dividend-paying South American Stocks; which hare all been in demand at advanced prices. It may be as well to remind the holders of the Colombian ex-Venezuela Bonds, that the present price of that security is without the dividend on Sc. 6d. per cent upon the New Grenadian portion of the debt—equal to 2s. 9d. per cent, upon the nominal amount of the Bonds; which dividend may be received at Messrs. FOWLES and Co., of Austin Friars, every Friday, by leaving the Bonds for examination seven days previously. The state of the weather, retarding the arrival of the French mails till late in the day, has caused almost a suspension of speculative operations in Spanish Stock; which has remained steady in the consequent dearth of news. But a decline has occurred this afternoon of about per cent ; an extensive sale hav- ing been made late in the afternoon by an influential broker, occasioned, it is said, by intelligence from Madrid respecting the failure of M. SALAMANCA, who is so largely mixed up with the financial operations of the Government. The operations in the French lines of Railway have been quite unimportant ; the prices, however, well supported. The demand for Railway Shares in gene- ral has not declined : they seem to be still extensively sought for as invest- ments. Several new lines have made their appearance ; some of which have attracted but little notice, while others are current at small premiums. There does not appear, however, to be much disposition for extensive or reckless spe- culation; and ;hat class of speculators who make a point of writing for every description of Shares, only paying the deposits after first selling at a premium and consequently called "premium-bunters," have not had much success to boast of.
Both the English and Foreign Funds are without any material variation or the occurrence of any business of importance. The nominal quotation of Bank Stock is 191 to 193; but not a single bargain has been effected in it this morning. We can as yet only notice the following transactions in Railway Shares— Eastern Counties, New, 124; Croydon, 164; Manchester and Birmingham, 394; Norwich and Brandon, 44
The English Funds close at 4 per cent advance upon the morning's quota-
tions. In the Foreign Market, somepurchases have occurred in Spani which though not of an influential character have caused an improv about 4 per cent. The other Foreign Bonds are unchanged.
We have to notice the following transactions in Shires in addition lor given in the morning : Del Rey Mines, 124; Provincial Bank of Ireland; 414 Railways—Birmingham and Gloucester, 734; Bristol and Exeter, 694 ; Eastern Counties, 104 4; Great North of England, 90; Brighton, 46 4 46; Greenwich, Preference, 174; Manchester and Leeds, 112; Paris and Orleans, 334 ; Paris and Rouen, 324; Rduen and Havre, 144; South-eastern and Dover, 354; Ditto, Scrip, 364.
3 per Cent Consols
971 * '
Chilian Deferred 48 50 Ditto for Account
971 * Colombian 6 per Cents, 1824.
3 per Cent Reduced
971 8 ex Venezuela 12
3.1 per Cent Ditto.
102* 3 Danish 3 per Cents
86 7
New 3* per Cents ..
Mt 2 Dutch 2* per Cents 541 5i Bank Stock
192 31 Ditto 5 per Cents ...... 101 Exchequer Bills prem. 67 9 Mexican 5 per Cents Coosa 14* India Stock
278 Portuguese New 5 p. Cts.1841 47 8 Brazilian 5 per Cents
78 9 Russian 5 per Cents ....... 117 118 Belgian 5 per Cents
105 6 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents. 23 * Chili= 6 per Cents
103 5 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 311