Zbe _metropolis.
A Court of Aldermen was held on Tuesday, for the despatch of business. A letter was read from Mr. Wells, stating that he abandoned the petition against the return of Mr. R.......
Vie (court.
Twx meeting of Parliament has summoned the Court to town. The Queen and Prince Albert, with the Princess Royal, left Windsor Castle about two o'clock on Wednesday ; the suite......
Tbates Anb Iprorrebings In Varlfamtnt.
OPENING OP THE SESSION. Parliament was opened on Thursday. by the Queen in person, with the usual splendour. About noon, the House of Lords began to fill in every part ; the......
Zbe 413robinres.
Mr. Sotheron has addressed the electors of North Wiltshire as the Conservative candidate ; and Mr. John Edridge, of Puckeridge House, has come forward as the Liberal and......