Vie (Court.
Twx meeting of Parliament has summoned the Court to town. The Queen and Prince Albert, with the Princess Royal, left Windsor Castle about two o'clock on Wednesday ; the suite following in two other car- riages. From Slough to Paddington the Royal party travelled by the Great Western Railway ; and arrived at Buckingham Palace at five minutes past three. At half-past three the Queen held a Privy Council. It was attended by Prince Albert and all the Ministers. The Earl of Stradbroke was appointed Lord-Lieutenant of the County of Suffolk, and took the cus- tomary oaths. The Queen pricked the list of Sheriffs for the present year. The Royal Speech at the opening of Parliament was arranged. New seals for settlements in the Falkland Islands and on the Gold Coast were approved by the Queen. Some reports of the Judicial Committee were affirmed. The Queen gave audiences to Sir Robert Peel, Lord Wharncliffe, the Earl of Aberdeen, Sir James Graham, and the Earl of Haddington.
On Thursday, the Queen went in state to open Parliament. The Royal procession consisted of six state carriages ; in the last of which, drawn by eight cream-coloured horses, were the Queen and Prince Albert. Marsbalmen, footmen' and Yeomen of the Guard attended the carriages ; and a party of the Royal Horse Guards formed the escort. The Queen left the Palace at half-past one o'clock ; and returned, in the same order, at ten minutes before three. The Park and the streets in the line of the procession were much crowded ; the people cheering frequently.
Yesterday the Queen held a Court at Buckingham Palace, to receive the Address of the Peers. Prince Albert stood by the Queen and grouped on either side of the throne were the ladies and officers Of the House- hold and several Ministers. The Address was presented by a deputation consisting of the Earl of Eldon, Viscount Hill, the Lord Chancellor, the Doke of Wellington, the Earl of Shaftesbury, the Earl of Badding- ton, and the Bishop of Lichfield. The Queen returned a gracious answer, and permitted the mover and seconder to kiss her hand. The Lord Mayor of Dublin and a deputation of the Town-Council presented the address recently voted, praying for oblivion of political offences and redress of grievances ; to which the Queen graciously replied. Her Majesty gave audiences to Sir Robert Peel, Sir James Graham, and the Earl of Aberdeen.
The Queen and Prince Albert went to Drury Lane Theatre on Thursday evening. Yesterday, her Majesty visited the Dutchess of Gloucester; and in the evening, went to the French Play with the Prince.
Prince Albert and the Duke of Cambridge went to see the exhibition of the British Institution yesterday; and afterwards the Prince at- tended a meeting of the British and Foreign Institute.
The Datchess of Kent drove over from Frogmore on Thursday, to .visit the Dutchess of Gloucester and the Queen ; returning to Frogmore in the afternoon.
The Prince of Wales and the Princess Alice remain at Windsor Castle.
The visiters at Windsor Castle before the departure of the Court were, the Earl of Liverpool, Sir Robert Peel, Viscount Canning, Lord Stanley, and Mr. Davis. The Duke of Cambridge arrived at Kew on Thursday, from Good- wood, where he had been visiting the Duke of Richmond.