COMMERCIAL GAZETTE. Tur,ahry, Jan. 30.
W. and T. Fordyce, Newcastle.upou-Tyne, stationers-Gilham and Co. Oxford, bis.traakers-Jones and Parker, Temple, solicitors -Joues and Co. Vere Street. Oxford Street, milliners-Stacie and Mummery, Shirley Place, Southampton. schoolmistresses -Young and Co. Crewkerne, ironmongers • as far as regards W. Young-Dafforne and Stone. Greenwich, school-conductors-Llugmead and Efford, Neal's Yard, Seven Dials, carpenters-Case and Co. Liverpool, naptha-lamp pateutees-Laycock and Co. Newcastle upon-Tyue. iron-merchants ; as far as regards .1. Hetherington-Robinson and Sons, Water Lane, Tower Street, commercial agents-Dalton and Co. Newcastle-- upon-Tyne. earthenware-manufacturers-Rolfe junior and Ellis, Great St. Helen's, wiue-coopers-Milne and Co. Shaw-within-Crompton. Lancashire. cotton.spinners- Ellertou and Co. Liverpool, agents-Pugh and Co. Bristol, cabinet-makers- Gilbert' and James, Steward Street, near Bisbopsgate, silk-manufacturers-Wood and Co. Dukinfield, grocers-Magnus and Co. Pimlico, slate-merchants-Ward and Co. New- castle.upon.Tyne, tobacco-manufacturers-Falser and Peters, Quenington, Gloucester- shire, paper makers-Stokoe and Co. Dilston. Northumberland. wood-merchants- Jackson and Smith. Sheffield, merchauts-Feildeu and Co. Liverpool, merchants ; as far as regards W. Townley.
Stott, Rochdale, druggist-Young, Morpeth Street. Bethnal Green, baker -Ricket. Princes Terrace. Islington, retailer of beer-Briggs. Twyford, Derbyshire. victualler- Pitts, Charles Street. New Cut, coach-body-maker - Swain, Bradford, Yorkshire, out of business-Holt, Middleton, Lancashire, plumber -llarmau. Windsor Terrace, Dover Road, jeweller-Jones, Tranmere. Cheshire, mariner-Baker. Bradfield. Essex, painter-Carman, Holywell. tailor-Procter, Leeds, servant -Cotsford, Ann Street, Peutonville, auctioneer - Platts, Great Pulteney Street, painter -Eagleton, St. Alban's, hat-maker - Cunoah, Chester, attorney- Turner. Marshal &met. Golden Square, carpenter--Mayers, Christleton. Cheshire, wheelwright-Leigh, Gresford, Denbigh- shire, beer-dealer-Teneh„ Stafford. attorney-Jarrett, Chatham, wood-cutter-Elston, Leamington Priors, professor of music- Wilson, Kirkland, Westmoreland, attorney Gist, Totnes, baker-Firman. Frinton, Essex, farm-bailiff -Wiugham, York Terrace: Borough Road. oilmau-Presgrave, Sevenoaks, schoolmaster-Woodcock, Croeidon, railway-guard-Smith, Warrington. basket-maker -Marklew, Oxford Street, out of business-White, Regent Street, tailor.
BARRY, J. H.. Liverpool, merchant, Jan. 29. GAULT, A., Standen, Hertfordshire. baker, Jan. 30.
BALLS, Timbres. Thames Street. iron-merchant, to surrender Feb.8, March 19 :
tors, Messrs. Tucker and Steavensou, Threadneedle Street; official assignee, Mr. Green, Aldermanbury.
BERRIDGE, THOMAS, Manchester. tobacconist, Feb. 9, March 6: solicitors. Johnson and Weatherall, Temple; Kershaw, Manchester; official assignee, Pott, Manchester. BUTCHER, WILLIAM, Great Marlborough Street, commission-ageut, Feb. 13, March 8: solicitors, Messrs. Mayhew, Carey Street ; official assignee, Groom. Abchurch Lane. Hrscre, GEORGE, Sun Street, varnielomanufacturer. Feb. 13, March 12 : solicitor, Mr. Rutherford, Lombard Street ; official assig,nee, Mr. Graham. Coleman Street. LEECH, JOHN, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, wonmooger, Feb. 12, March 19; solicitors,. Messrs. Chisholm and Co. Lincoln's Inn Fields; Mr. Merle, Newcastle.upon-Tynos, official assignee, Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. LEQUENTRE, Asreoeso, Chiugford Mills, Essex, miller, Feb. 6, March 13: solicitors, Adamson and Cooper, Ely Place; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basinghall Street. Mtramt, HENRY, Notion-under-Hampden, Somersetshire, sail-cloth-manufacturer, Feb. 14, March 7: solicitors, Mr. Brace, Essex Street; Mr. Stogdou, Exeter; Mr. Nicholetts, Bridport; official assignee. Mr. Hensel, Exeter. RODHAM,Tuomna, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, ale-merchant, Feb. 8, March 20: solicitors; Messrs. Williamson and Hill, Gray's tun; Mr. ingledew, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; official assignee, Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon Tyne.
Toms. Joust, Basingstoke, draper. Feb. 13, March 19: solicitor, Mr. Aehurst, Cheap- side ; official assignee, Mr. Green. Aldermanbury.
Feb. 22, Ford, Aldgate, draper-Feb. 22, Gautier, Gould Square. Crutchedfriars- Feb. 22, Cumming, Totteuham Court Road, furrier-Feb. 2O, Webb, Greenwich, victualler-Feb. 9, Ricketts, Leadenhall Street, merchant-Feb. 22, Hill and Wacker- bath, Leadenhall Street, ship-agents-Feb. 20, Markby. Peterborough, brewer-Feb. 21, Woodruff, Great Missenden, innkeeper-Feb 21, Nicholson, Mark Lane, corn- merchant-Feb. 23. J. and G. Lockwood, Wakefield,linendrapers-Feb. 23, Bottornley, Delph-within-Saddleworth, woollen-manufacturer- Feb. -= Pepper, Wotton-under- Edge, tailor-Feb. 20, Marsh junior. St. Helen's, Lancashire. chemiet-Feb. 20. Lucy junior, Liverpool, tailor-Feb. 21, Denson and Walmsley, Liverpool. merchants-Feb.. 20, Havelock, South Shields. carver-Feb. 22, Dixon, Kingston-upon-Hull, corn- dealer-Feb. 24, Wood, Greaseley, Nottinghamshire, miller-Feb. =, Brown, King.-
ton-upon-Hull. bookseller-Feb. 22, Temple, Kingston-upon-Hull, brewer-March 6, Suffield, Birmingham, chemist.
To be granted, unless cause be thou-n to the contrary, on the day of meeting. Feb. 21., Fletcher, Brentfcrd, money-scrivener -Feb. 22. Johnson, Maldon, corn- dealer-Feb. 22. Donkiu, Cambridge. victualler-Feb. 22. LeCPS110. Fenchurch Street, merchant-Feb. 21, Sharpe. Chelmsford. draper-Feb. 29. Beamish, Manor Place, Walworth, lime-dealer-Feb. 22, Brown junior. Bassalleg. Monmouthshire. iron- founder-Feb. 22, Barry. Rye, miller-Feb. 21, Gore, Tilehurst, Berkshire, cattle- dealer-Feb. 22, Swann, Thornton, Lancashire, bricklayer-Feb. 22. Crisp, Liverpool auctioneer-Feb. 22. Hague. Guiseley, paper manufacturer-Feb. 23, Mills. Birming- ham, upholsterer-Feb. 22, Edmouson. Marsden, miller-Feb. 22, Bayley, Pendleton, stuff-printer-Feb. 22. Thorpe. Chertsey, plumber.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or berme Feb. 20. Baker. Camberwell, carpenter-Ward, Nottingham, tailor-Exley, Manchester, bootmaker.
Millington and Salter, Manchester, calico printers; first div. of 2s. Old. Jan. 30. and any subsequent Tuesday; Mr. Stanway. Manchester-Joyce, Bristol, woollen-draper; first div. of 5s. Jan. 31, or any subsequent Wednesday; Mr. Acraman, Bristol.
Martzmairr, C. E., Crail, Fifeshire, coal-master, Feb. 3, 24. M'Pneasesr, D., Pitmain, Inverness shire, merchant. Feb. 5, 26. Ross, D. and SON, Minton, Ross-shire. merchants, Feb. 5,26.
Friday, Feb. 2
Bailey and Son, Wood Street, auctioneers-Harrison and Co. Philpot Lane, mer- chants-Walker and Son. Manchester, manufacturers of hot-water apparatus-Penfold and Watson. Brighton, surgeons-R. and L. Lane, Ludgate Street, lace.dealers-Alex. ander and Gibbons. Wolverhampton, chemists-Dutton and Co. Chester, wine-mer- chants ; as far as regards J. Wilkinson-Plane and Martin, Gravesend, dealers in bot- tled ale-Bloome and Gatliff, Leeds, attornies-J. and J. Penick, King Street, Long Acre, grocers-1. and J. G. Somers. Houndstlitch-W. and E. Garside, Ashton-under- Line, onach-builders-W. and W. Watson, Great Easton, Essex. butchers -H. A. and T. Rodgers. Sheffield. news-agents- Heaton and Ellison, Gomersal, Yorkshire. joiners -T. and S. R. Drurey, Leeds, stonemasons-Westminster Miniug Association ; as far as regards T. and E. Ellis sod G. A. Brown -Watson and Sou, Leeds, dyers-Spencer and Wood, Goswell Street, bakers- Lamprey and Field. Warwick, attoruies -C. and T. Burrows, Williugton, Derbyshire, timber-merchants-Clapham and Whitaker, Es- holt, Yorkshire, worsted spinners-Whitbread and Co. Crown Street, Finsbury, gro- cers-Cooper and Co. Sheffield, grocers-Faulkner and Pierrepoint. Manchester, stir. geon-dentists-Delf and Kent, Beccles. Suffolk, drapers-Knowles and Co. Manches- ter, fustianshearers-Danby and Dobbins. Leeds, cabinet-makers-Shields and New- castle Steam Navigation Company.
Padley, Kimberley, Nottinghamshire, beer seller-Ward, Lydney. Gloucestershire, out of business- Gill, Hobos, Leicestershire. farmer -Lobley, Huddersfield. cloth- dresser-Chappels, Huddersfield, stone-mason-M'Craight, Percival Street. Clerkeu- well. engraver-Parks. Trafalgar Street, Walworth, traveller-Nutt, Hemingford Ter- race, Islington, lace dealer-Wilson, Bantam. Surrey. house-agent-Ornsby, New. castle-upou-Tyne, glass agent-Elphich. Sutton, horse dealer-Bilston. Leicester. tailor - Claydou, Rochford, Essex, bootmaker -Pitt, Liverpool, victualler-Blunt, Church Street. Newington. out of business-Peacock. Turner Street, Commercial Road East, master mariner-Radcliff, Bramley. Yorkshire, wheelwright-Edwards, Ipswich, builder-Wood, Great Charlotte Street,Blackfriars Road, bookbinder- Cowsill, Lymm, Cheshire, bricklayer-Marston, Castle Street. Leicester Square, watch-maker-Haw, Leeds. woollen salesman-Cope, Old Radford, Nottinghamshire, coal-higgler -Stur- gess, Great Saffron Hill, baker-Woods, High Street, Newington, butcher-Prescott, Duke Street, Manchester Square-Baird, Cheltenham, out of business-Canty, Set- wood Terrace, Old Brompton.
COOPER, Gzosoz. Leeds. butcher, to surrender Feb. 14, March 11: solicitors, Messrs. Sudlow and Co. Chancery Lane; Mr. Rayuar and Son, Leeds ; official assignee, Mr. Young, Leeds. DRAGE, JAMES ROBERT, Leeds, tallow merchant, Feb. 17. March 7: solicitors, Messrs. Williamson, London; and Mr. Cariss, Leeds ; official assignee, Mr. Fearue. Leeds.
LAMONT, DUNCAN. West Smithfield, publican, Feb. 14, Match 12: solicitor, Mr. Buchanan, Basinghall Street; official assignee. Mr. Whitmore. Basiughall Street. PERRYMAN, JOSEPH HENRY, Birmingham, bookseller, Feb. 14. Match 5: solicitors, Mr. Holroyde, Halifax; Mr. Wright, Birmingham; official assignee, Mr. Valpy, Birmingham.
Ferrer, Rouser. Exuing. Suffolk, livery-stable keeper. Feb. 9, March 12: solici- tor. Mr. Gill. Harrington Street, Hampstead Road; official assignee. Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry Chambers.
Panzorr, ROBERT, Bleeder]. Somersetshire. scrivener, Feb. 13, March 12: soli- citor, Mr. Heaven, Bristol ; official assignee, Mr. Acraman, Bristol. Thompson, WILLIAM, and MEtusn, JAMES, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, merchants, Feb. 13, March 21: solicitors, Messrs. Shield and Harwood, Qaeen Street, Cheapside ; and Mr. Watson. Newcastle-upon-Tyne; official assignee, Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon. Tyne. 'WEBB, WiLLIAM, Leamington, hotel-keeper, Feb. 12, March 9: solicitor, Mr. Greatwood, Birmingham ; official assignee. Mr. Bittleslon. Birmingham. W00% WiLusta LAW, Bishopsgate Street Within, export-ironmonger. Feb. 9, March 14: solicitor. Mr. Henderson. Mansell Street, Goodman's Fields; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard. 'MEI-DEEDS.
Feb. 23. Laing. Halifax, draper-Feb. 28, Bedford, MelinaPlace, Westminster Road, iron-merchant-Feb. 21, Jones, Cheapside. jeweller-Feb. 23, Yallop. Basinghall Street, scrivener-Feb. 24, Hodgson, Sandwich, bauker-Feb. 23, Collins, Staines, hotebiseeper- Feb. 23, Fry and Co. St. Mildred's Court, bankers-Feb. 23, Bidmead, Bread Street, warehouseman-Feb. 23. Lyon, High Holborn, cabinetmaker-Feb. 23, Allison. Darlington, scrivener- Feb. 27, Buckley, Oldham, coal-master-Feb. 23, Col- lings, Devouport, baker-Feb. 29, Cullen, Liverpool. merchant.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary. on the day °jeweling. Feb. 24, Rowlands, PwIlheli, Caruarvonshire, watchmaker-Feb. 27, Wilkinson, Leeds, grocer-Feb. 27. Partridge, Birmingham, tea-dealer-Feb. 26. W. and J. Stat. ters, Mellor. Lancashire, cottou-spinners. To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Feb. 23.
Wintle. Drury Lane, silversmith - Zialiaui, Mincing Lane, merchant - Mosely, Shadwell, Staffordshireovarehouseman-Clapton, Bristol, warehouseman-Messenger, Liverpool, mm-merchant-Diamond. Frith Street. surgeon-Locke and Mills, Law- rence Pountuey Hill, needlesmanufacturers-Nuttall, Edward Terrace, Chalk Road, newspaper-vender.
Shield, Jarrow, Durham. glass maker ; first and final div. of Is. 6I4. on Saturday Feb. 10, or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr. Baker, New eastle-upon•Tyne-Herring. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, timber-met chant ; first and final div. of l2s on Saturday Feb. 10. or any subsequent Saturday; Baker, Newcastle- upon-Tyne-Dauncey, Uley. Glou- cestershire, woollen-manufacturer; first die of Is. in part of 2s. already paid upon other proofs, on Wednesday Feb. 7. and two following Wednesdays: Mr. Groom, Abehurch Lane- Chapman. Tottenham Court Road, dairyman; second div. of 314. on Wednes- day Feb. 7. and two following Weduestlays; Mr. Groom, Abehurch Lane-Walker, Poulton-in.the.Fylde. Lancashire. grocer; first div. of Is. on Thursday Feb. 1, or any subsequent Thursday; Mr. Cazenove. Liverpool-Colpitts, Newcas'le-upon-Tyne, grocer ; first div. of Is. 3d. on Saturday Feb. 10, or any snsequent Saturday ; Mr. Ba- ker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Pow, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. shipturoker: first div. of 2s. on Saturday Feb. 10, or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr. Baker, Newcastle upon-Tyne- Thompson. Moukwearmouth Shore, Durham, ship-builder; first div. of 2s. Id on new roofs. on Saturday Feb. 10. or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr. Baker, Newcastle upon- Tyne- Pattinson, St. Cuthbert. Cumberland, calico-printer; first and final di,. of old. OD Saturday, Feb. 10, or any subsequent Saturday; Mr. Baker. Newcastle-upon-Tyne -Looney. Whitehaven, cooper ; second div. of Is. 3d. in addition to 3s. previously declared, on Feb. 10, or any subsequent Saturday; Mr. Baker, Newcastle upon-Tyne- Bell, Newcastle upon-Tyne. earthenware-maunfacturer ; second and final div. of 54-100 pasts of Id. (in addition to Is. previously declared) on Feb. 10, or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr. Baker. Newcastle upon-Tyne-Hill. Newcastle upon-Tyne. wine-mer- chant; first and final div. of 25. 24. on new proofs, on Feb. 10, or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Cowherd, Kendal. miller ; first div. of le. 64. on Feb. 10. or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr. Baker. Newcastle-upon-Tyne- Jamaica, North Shields, linendraper ; second and final dip, of ls. 54. and 3-10ths of id. (in addition to 4s. 6d. previously declared) on Feb. 10, or any subsequent Satur- day ; Mr. Baker. Newcastle-upon-Tyue-Fletcher, Maryport, Cinnberland, boiler- manufacturer ; second dir. of Is. 64. (in addition to Is. Cd, previously declared) OR Feb. 10, or any subsequent Saturday; Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon Tyne.
Berm R., Edinburgh, brass-founder. Feb. 9, March 1. M'ALISTER. Shotts, Lanarkshire, grain-dealer. Feb. 8,29.1 M' EIVEN, D., Duudee, bauker, Feb. 12. March 11. SUTHERLAND. S., Blairgowrie, road-contractor. Feb. 7. 28.1