[To THE ED/TOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sr,—With regard to the anecdote recorded in the Spectator -of January 27th, there must surely have been some error on the part of either Lord Lovelace or Lord Onslow. A -" sentinel at the execution of Charles I." is not likely to have been less than twenty years old in 1649. Hence, Augustin would have been over a hundred at the time of Lord Onslow's birth in 1731, and must have lived to be very much older if Lord Onslow "had dined" in his company. Probably Lord Lovelace, who was only five when he made the entry in his -diary, omitted a link. On that assumption I am able to give .an exact parallel. My daughter, born in 1880, can say, "My ,godmother's godmother's godmother saw Charles I.'s head cut off." Each of the three godmothers was over eighty-five at
the baptism of her godchild.—I am, Sir, &c., W. M. F.