The Public Reconciliation Of The German Emperor With...
took place on Friday week at the Royal Palace in Berlin. The Prince was received by the Emperor like a crowned head, with the most honorific ceremonial, the Empress and all......
It Is Stated In A Telegram From Cairo That As
soon as Lord Cromer has recovered from the influenza, Abbas II. will pub- lish a new and fuller apology for his escapade. The first one is not accepted, as it has been followed......
News Of The Week.
T HE Pall Mall Gazette caused great sensation on Wednesday by announcing in its fourth edition that Mr. Gladstone had "fully decided to resign office almost immediately," and......
M. Lockroy, On Tuesday, Brought Forward In The Chamber The
indictment against the Navy, which he and M. ClemEnceau have carefully prepared. His grand points are that the French coast, and especially Cherbourg, are insufficiently......
The Intrigues In The American House Of Representatives...
Tariff Bill have not been very successful. The Home of Representatives on February 1st closed the debate, and voted the Bill by 203 to 140 votes,—a majority of 63. The Inland......