[To THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR.'] SIR,—With reference to " links
with the past," in the Spectator of January 27th, I give you a story, but do not vouch for its accuracy, though it was told me the other day by a person of good faith. A clergyman in a remote parish in Wales said be had buried a woman in the same churchyard as her sister, who had died 150 years before. This seemed to me incredible ; ,but it was explained to me that the father married at eighteen, +his wife had a child which died a few days after birth, after- wards the woman died also ; the man did not remarry till be was seventy, and his second wife had a child, which child lived to be a centenarian, and was the woman buried by my informant's friend. This was told me as an actual fact. I have no reason to doubt my friend, nor has he, he says, to doubt his informant. —I am, Sir, &c., EDOUARD MAJOLIER.