The Clergy List, 1894. (Kelly and Co.)—This "Clerical Guide and
Ecclesiastical Directory" is arranged in the way that has been followed now for some years past, and needs no recommenda- tion to our readers. But the proprietors claim to have made a new departure in the direction of giving the correct value of the benefices enumerated, and they acknowledge the "invaluable assistance" for which they have been indebted to the Ecclesias- tical Commission. To judge from the one benefice with the affairs of which the writer of this notice is intimately acquainted, the value given is less correct than it was before. Hitherto the nominal figure of the tithe-rent charge has been given, and given accurately, at 4210. It was easy for any one to reduce this to the actual amount as settled by the yearly average. This would be, for 1893 (taking one half-yearly payment at 474 15s. 2td. and the other at 474 3s. 9d ), about .2156 10s. But the Clergy List gives £200. Where does this figure come from ? Not by adding the value of the glebe, which is 424, or surplice fees, which are nil. Deducting necessary outgoings, as rates, land-tax, insurance of buildings, but not a payment to Queen Anne's Bounty, income and property tax, or house-duty, the net value of the benefice is 4148. The fact is that the Ecclesiastical Commissioners have no information to give about many benefices. The tithe commuta- tion can be ascertained elsewhere. The value of the glebes can be found only in " Crockford."—With this may be mentioned the Rochester Diocesan Directory. Published by authority. (Wells Gardner, Darton, and Co.)—It is interesting to compare the values of some benefices given in this and in the Clergy List. It should be stated that in the Diocesan Directory the clergy have been asked to give the annual average value of their benefices without deducting curates' stipends, &c. :—
Clergy List. Directory. Clergy List. Directory. Chaldon .2300 4255 Chalk ... 200 140 Charlwood 850 1,000 Chipstead 360 420 Cooling 620 410 Crowhurst 110 109
Twelve rural parishes have been taken as they came. Two values are exact or nearly so. In two the Clergy List understates ;
in nine it overstates. The total value is an imaginary 45,390 against an actual 44,956, i.e., there is an addition of nearly 10 per cent. to the true figures. Ash ... 4560 4460 Beddington 1,050 950 Betchworth. 200 150 Buckhuid 420 420 Burham ... 320 290 Burstow ... 400 352