THE GODDESS THAT GREW UP. By Anthony M. Ludovici. (Hutchinson.
7s. 6d. net.)—Mr. Ludovici is an agile m tern psychologist, but the loose archaism of his style is u. ost too enveloping a bushel for his talents. This navel is a clever study of possessive paternity : Peter Oliver, a robust man wedded to an invalid of etherealistic tendencies, turns the whole force of his jealous love on to the person ot Basins, his spirited and beautiful daughter. It is an inter- esting and unusual. subject and though he makes a serious mistake_ in not differentiating his characters early enough, Mr. Ludovici's method of developing it is remarkable for a hard grip on essentials and sane selectiveness of incident. The author's qualities of mind, his analytic subtlety, shrewd- ness and ironic composure are patent in Ins method but masked: by his manner of writing. The flatness of his presentation Is due mainly to the extraordinary drabness of his phrases, which might have been plucked bodily from any tired text- book or despnitualized Victorian novel. Mr. Ludovici is obviously an acute observer of life : he would probably find that, as his style mended, his thought also would gain in clarity and becoming more aware of itself.