Roads And Their Users.
1.-THE LIGHT CAR. By LORD MONTAGU OF BEAULIEU. T HE coming of the small and cheap car, sometimes called the "light car," has affected considerably the future of motoring.......
The National.
The Duke of Northumberland discusses the Honours Com• mission under the significant title of "Whitewash." " Cen- turion " deals faithfully with Mr. Lloyd George's recent......
The Fortnightly.
Professor Margoliouth, our greatest Arabic scholar, discusses with authority Some New Developments of the Caliphate Question," and shows how Mustapha Kemal has unwittingly......
The London Mercury.
Mr. Thomas Hardy contributes a characteristic poem "On the Portrait of a Woman about to be Hanged,' and Mr. Arthur Waley a version of a remarkable first-century Chinese poem,......
The Contemporary Review.
Sir Alfred Hopkinson, "Why a Conservative Majority ? " and gives anadmirably sane and reasoned reply with which most people not being ardent followers of Mr. Lloyd George or Mr.......
The February Magazines.
THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. Lord Long writes on "The Conservative Party," in whose future he firmly believes. He makes an effective reply to Mr. Lloyd George's suggestion that, as......
This Beautiful And Valuable Book, Which Was Published In...
has only recently come to us for review ; so long after publication we can do little more than urge its authoritative claim not only on specialists but on every amateur who is......
"Periscope " pays an enthusiastic tribute to "The Imperial Irish "—the loyalists in Southern Ireland who are being expelled or exterminated. The Free State, he predicts, will......