3 FEBRUARY 1923, Page 25


Sir Alfred Hopkinson, "Why a Conservative Majority ? " and gives anadmirably sane and reasoned reply with which most people not being ardent followers of Mr. Lloyd George or Mr. Asquith will agree. "On the whole," says this veteran Liberal, "we regard the results of the election with satisfaction, giving, as they do, a better chance of stable government than we had dreamed of as possible, and that is now what matters." Captain H. B. Usher writes vaguely about "Liberalism and its Future." Mr. Michael Prothero explains "The Kenya Controversy" between the British settlers and the Indian shopkeepers. Mr. Victor S. Yarros writes on "America and the Social Problem." He declares that "nationalization" is making head- way and that "the great majority of individualist thinkers are quite resigned to a considerable dose of collectivism." Mr. T. R. Dawes describes "The Teaching of History in German Schools" and the difficulties experienced in inducing the teachers to abandon the traditional glorification of Frederick II. and Bismarck.