3 FEBRUARY 1923, Page 25


Professor Margoliouth, our greatest Arabic scholar, discusses with authority Some New Developments of the Caliphate Question," and shows how Mustapha Kemal has unwittingly exposed the falsity of the Indian Caliphate agitation which frightened Mr. Montagu. The Caliphate, as Professor Margoliouth shows, has never exercised any real power in the Moslem world since the murder of Ali many centuries ago ; in deposing the Caliph and depriving his successor of temporal power Mustapha Kemal has shown how little he regards the alleged sanctity of the office. Mr. Darrell Figgis amasses statistics and maps for the elucidation of The Ulster Boundary Question" : he says not a word about the contrast between the anarchical South and orderly Ulster, which makes his theories seem ridiculous. Why should Ulster give up two more counties to be pillaged because a slight majority of the population is said to be Roman Catholic ? How would Ireland benefit ? Mr. Figgis is one of those doctrinaires at whose hands the Free State is suffering bitterly. " Komma " gives a very grave account of "The Sikh Situation in the Punjab," where extreme laxity on the part of the Government has allowed a most dangerous political and religious agitation to spread, with the avowed purpose of causing our best native troops to mutiny. Mr. Henry S. Salt discusses the familiar and ever attractive question of" Virgil in English Verse," and suggests that rhyme, used as in Lyeidas with considerable freedom, may serve the English translator as well as blank verse in reproducing "the graduated structure of those Virgilian periods which are built up with such elaborate care."