3 FEBRUARY 1923, Page 23

REBUILDING THE WALLS. By the Bishop of London. (Wells Gardner.

8s. (3d.) REBUILDING THE WALLS. By the Bishop of London. (Wells Gardner. 8s. (3d.)

The distinctive note of these sermons is their simplicity. The secret of the Bishop of London's popularity as a preacher is his power of making, for the time being at least, the cultural level of the average churchgoer his own ; and those who could not, without doing violence to themselves, make his style of preaching theirs, may envy him this gift. That the subject of Church Finance should Imilk as largely as it does in these discourses is significant. "It is probable," says the Times, "that there would have been a more ready reply to the Finance Board, if the laity generally felt that the National Assembly represented them more adequately" ; he that pays the piper chooses the tune. "The year opens with a deficit of some £40,000; and it is to be hoped that the Bishop may inspire his readers to extend an increased material as well as moral Support to the Church."