A great development of transatlantic traffic is an- nounced for
the summer, when the American companies which run the .State-owned American liners will begin a new first-class weekly service between New York and Southampton. Enormous new docks are being built or are projected, and Mr. Runciman, who is looking after the interests of the venture on this side, declares that the big first-class transatlantic passenger traffic has gone to Southampton for good. We sincerely trust that there will be no childish outcry in this country against what might be called "America's effort to oust us from transatlantic shipping." It cannot be too often repeated that anything which increases, cheapens, or improves ocean transport cannot fail to benefit this country, which lives upon its imports and exports. The very first effect of the new venture will be to give employ- ment to hundreds on the dock extensions. There will be plenty of room for the new lines as well as the old if there is all the intercourse which we could wish between this country and America.