We record elsewhere the subscriptions that are begin- ning to
crown the efforts of the English-Speaking Union in regard to the Page Memorial. It must not be forgotten that the first proposal for a Page Memorial was made in an article by Mr. Sydney Brooks in The Landmark, the monthly organ of the Union. The Spectator's special contribution to the movement, and one of which we are very proud, was the suggestion of a tablet in Westminster Abbey as the most appropriate form of commemoration That form, though it has been endorsed by the Times and many other newspapers, and has been opposed by no organ of the Press, and also by no individuals, has not yet been sanctioned by the Dean and Chapter. It is to be hoped, therefore, that those who subscribe to the fund for the double object of a scholarship and a memoria tablet' in the Abbey will use all their influence to obtain the sanction of the Dean. The Dean was a warm admirer of Mr. Page, but as the trustee of the most sacred spot in the English-speaking world he naturally feels that he can act only when the demand is national.