The year 1922 witnessed an extraordinary increase in the number
of tourists motoring from the United States to Canada as a result of the improved roads. In British Columbia last summer, the Customs officials estimate, 70,000 motors entered the province by road, as against 25,000 in the previous year. Within two years the British Columbian authorities hope to complete the road to the international boundary line, and then it will be possible to motor on a paved highway from Vancouver to the Mexican border, a distance of 1,700 miles. Another project of the Canadian road reformers is the building of a great transcontinental highway from coast to coast. The Boston Christian Science Monitor says of Canada's better roads campaign :— " But the benefit in dollars and cents is by no means the only profit accruing from improved roads. A paved road, joining parts of Canada with parts of the United States, is a highway to friend- ship, along which citizens of each country will travel. The inter- national boundary between Canada and the United States is the finest proof that it is already a realized ideal for two nations to live harmoniously with each other. With every mile of road which entices tourists from the one country to enter the other, the peace cannot fail to be more firmly cemented."