3 FEBRUARY 1923, Page 4

With reference to my suggestion on this page in the

Spectator two weeks since that our provincial hotels should bring their accommodation up to date if they desire a largely-increased American tourist traffic, the manager of the Midland Hotel Service writes to me saying that he thinks my remarks "can hardly apply to their system of hotels." In the original paragraph I was careful to state that our provincial hotels "were for the most part" much behind their Continental rivals, and to this statement I adhere. There are, of course, excep- tions. The Midland Hotel at Manchester and the Midland-Adelphi at Liverpool are worthy to be ranked -with the very best hotels in Europe : the Midland Railway has certainly done something to raise a higher standard of hotel comfort in this country. But what is required is a string of hotels, equal in comfort to the Adelphi in Liverpool, in all our large centres.