3 FEBRUARY 1961, Page 13

STAINS ON THE CARPET SIR,—The Iranian Embassy and I could

go on shout- ing liar' at each other till kingdom come without Proving anything except that the Embassy sees it as its job to represent Iran as a kind of paradise of Plenty.

But they do it so clumsily. Mr. Vassighy says I was prejudiced by the manner of my dismissal from the country : I wrote the article several weeks before I left. He says I was wrong about the elections: what I wrote was accurate when I wrote it. And I don't Want to haggle with him over my maid's wages (it Was had enough with her), but even here he tries a silly trick with the exchange rates. He says that average domestic wages are 'between 3,000 and 3,500 rials a month (L15 to f20).' At the rate of 230 flats to the pound (and just try buying sterling for that) the sterling equivalent comes to something Considerably lower.—Yours faithfully,