3 FEBRUARY 1961, page 15


Scenes from Provincial Life By DAVID CAIRNS IT is not only Musica Viva that has lately de- monstrated Liverpool's fertility in the devising of new ideas. The other day, at its......

Which Comes First?

SIR,--Nicholas Davenport is wrong in saying of the FBI'S recent conference at Brighton that 'the im- portant industrialists there assembled all insisted that "growth conies......


Sig, — In his review of T. S. Eliot and the Idea of Tradition, Frank Kertnode stated that I did not 'look critically at the "dissociation of sensibility," offering a version......

Charitable A Ppeais Sin,—hardly A Day Passes Without The...

bringing one or more appeals from charitable institutions. In my experience the number of these ciroulars has increased enormously in recent years. Perhaps as a result of......