Llansili Beach
More Evans Country
VII In his new bather—pretty grand, Quite frankly—lounging on the sand, Evans relaxes with the warm Sun on his back, and studies form. He lights a fag. Inside a minute A two-piece with a fair lot in it Rolls up between him and the sea. Now watch, and listen, carefully. He dives straight for his coat, pulls out His glasses, shoves them on his snout; Demeanour, casual; gaze, intent_ Years back, he'd have done different : Whipped off the buggers—anyhow, Not calmly stuck them on. But now He stands four-eyed and unashamed, Also, and here's the point, untamed. No heartfelt gaze'll satisfy
A real romantic like our Dai; Wouldn't be natural for a bloke. He's off: 'Hallo. Care for a smoke?' Your look/do ratio doesn't change. All that might is your visual range.