Side Effect
SIR,—You ask in your Notebook (January 27) if there is 'any other cliché that is so consistently used today to signify the very reverse of what it should mean.' Surely the prime......
Miser Catulle
SIR, —Dr Sisson's argument that the great Englisbi translators wrote in a contemporary idiom brought to my mind a sort of odi et atno in a popular song of the late 'twenties :......
Industrial Relations
SIR, —There has been much comment recently in your columns upon relations within industry and your readers may be interested to learn that an Institute of Industrial Relations......
Drugs And Poetry
SIR, — I am presently writing, and assembling data for, a book on Mantric Poetry. This will include sections on the use of hallucinogenic and stupor- inducing drugs as aids to......
Europe's Day Of The Dead
SIR, —In his article about Malcolm Lowry (January 20), Anthony Burgess suggests that Under the Vol- cano was translated into Dutch immediately after the book's first appearance......
Rationality, Reason, And Dr Rose
Sta.—When a reviewer is sufficiently stimulated by a book to devote a full page to it, yet so overstimulated as to miss or misinterpret major points, it is difficult for an......
That Eiu Report
SIR, —From reading accounts of what the Econo- mist Intelligence Unit is reported to have said, one would derive the impression that what a news- paper writes is not of much......
Carefree Image
SIR, —It is a little hard for a translator whose work has been so highly praised as that of Mr Graham Snell to be blamed for a misprint. Your reviewer, who devoted a generous......
Chess By Philidor
No. 32o. H. W. BETTMANN (1st Prize, Good Companions, 1918) WHITS to play and mate in two moves; solution next week. Solution to No. 319 (Sparke) : Q - B 5, threat Q-Q 3. t.......