merica - President's Message to the Congress of the United States, I. Ta- riff, 17; opposition to the Tariff, 90; elleets of the Turin; 721. General Jackson chosen President,194. Wash- betten Irving named Secretary to Log- lam!, 449, Celebration of the Anniver- sary of American Independence, 481.
razil-Failure of Lord Strangford's mis. stun, 180. Don Pedro's dilemma, 370. Ills short speech, 785.
anode- Grievances submitted by the House of Assembly to the nedce of Ministers, 17.
nee-Rumoured retirement of the Count de Ferronays, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, 33. PrincePolignac's return to Paris, 50. Opening of the Chamber,--King's Speech, 05. 51. Boyer Collard named President of the Chamber of Deputies, 83. Changes in the administration of communes, 98.
Discussions on Religious Missions in
the Chatnber of Deputies. 160. Politics and Commercial state of France, 241, 257. Laval Montmorency appointed Minister for Foreign Affairs, 274. Changes in the Ministry, 323. Debates on the Eudget-on the state of Portu- gal, 369. Navy Estimates,417. Minis- terial Fears of the Pries, 453. Close of the Session, 465. Distress of the Wine- growers, 401. Change of Ministry- Prince Polignne and the Ultras ap- pointed to place, 513. Refusal of Ad- miral de Rigny to join the new Cabinet, 529. Complete formation of the French Ministry, 540. A license. refused to Victor Hugo's Comedy--pension offered him, 346. Prosecutions of the press, 561, 593. New Ambassador to Eng- land, 577. Arbitrary designs imputed to Government, 593. Lafityette in France, .593. Refusal of the inhabitant of Brittany to pay taxes,e09. Petitions against the Ministry, 625. Rumours of change in the Ministry, 1951. Count de Ferronays appointed Ambassador to Rome, 658. Violent opposition to Mi- nistry, 0119. Clamour of the liberal Puce, 737, 753,763. French Commer. cial policy and its consequences, 700. Absurdities of the French Ministerial Journals, 801. State of the Ministry-- Failure of the Ministerial prosecutions of the press, 818.
reece--.Skirmishes in the 'Korea, 33. Protocol of 2211 March 11129, as to Grecian sovereignty, 706, 753. Pipit.- /nat.), of the Allies, 753.
mile-Extension of privileges to Euro. peons, 530: Speculations on the Inva- sion of India by /tussle, 651. Discos tents in the Indian Army, 689.
taly-Death of Pope Leo the Twelfth, 114. Election of Pius the Eighth, 228. Trial of the Carbonari, 721.
retherlands-Opening of the States Ge- neral, 019. Ministers outvoted on the Budget, 8113, .'ew American Republics-War between Peru and Colombia, 50. Revolution in Buenos Ayres, 99. Mexico sacked, 114. Spanish expedition against Mexico, , 481; Expedition sails from the Haven. nab, 530; Santa Anna's proclamation, 610; disetnbarkation of the expedition, 641; Tampico taken by the invaders, 6511; total discomfiture of the Spanish expedition, 709.
ortugal -Reported madness of Don Miguel, 1; his recovery, 17. Popular rising at !Ashen, 50. Rumoured oppo- eiders of the French to his Government, 65. The Refugees are prevented from landing at Terceira, WS. Miguel's cruelties, 180; further outrages, 417. Fever in Portugal, 481. Defeat of Mi- guel's party at Terceira, 551. Run on the Lisbon Bank, 674. Recognition of Don Miguel by Ferdinand, 7051 by the PcPe, 724, ussia and Turkey-Unsuccessful tee. ruination of the campaign by the Rus- sians, 17. Operations of the Turks, 65. Fall of Micropolis, 114. Losse.s of the Turks, 146. Russian A neleassador killed at Teheran, 241. The Russians pass the Danube, 257. Successes of the Russians, 323, 353, 869, 417, 445, 497, 514. Coronation of the Emperor Niche. las at Warsaw, 449. Passage of the Balkan, 529. Further victories of the Russians, 546. Rumours of peace, 501. Turkish armies dispersed-Adrianople taken by the Russians, -577. Armistice agreed on, 609. Supposed conditions of rraoT 64a1trioTnrEyattyheerlfineapceeroarliset
• 657; Manifesto by the sonic, 673. Winding up of the campaign, 705. Ill- ness of the L'Mperor. 709; his recovery, -789; cause of his illness, 801. Adri- anople evacuated, 783.
Spain-Cadiz declared a free port, 162. Earthquake in Murcia, 245, 260. Sta- tistical paper in the Foreign Iluarterly Review, 754. - West Indies-Quarrels between the Exe- cutive Government of Jamaica and the Colonial Legislatare, lid. Projected °Pcniug of the %Vest Indian trade to Arnerica, 787. ENGLAND.
The Ring-3, 84, 50, 66, 84, 99, 115, 182, 244, 252, 339, 371, 887, 391, 450, 515, 531, 547, 594, 1110, 626, 659, 706, 722, 754, 786, 818. The King's Levee and Drawing-room, 275; list of pre- sentations, Hem. Birthalay, 513, Court favourites quartered on the Irish Pension List, 34. Bankruptcy of Re, mington, Stephenson, and, Co., 2; Sight of Stephenson, 19; his arrival in America, 231. Revenue Tables, 17,18. 229, 433. Petitions against Catholic Emancipation, IQ, 50. Militia Reduc- tions, 34, Clarence Fete, 50, Cabinet, 63, 498, 563. alr Peel vacates his seat for Oxford.:-Sir Robert Inglis prepares to oppose him, 114-Oxford election, 181-Captain Garth, 165, 741. Duel between the Duke of Wellington and Lord 1Vinchilsea, 181, 195. York Minster burnt, 05; Martin, the Incen- diary, tried, 212; Subscriptions for the repair of the Minster, 212. Death of the Landgrave of Hesse Bamberg, 1120. Freedom of London presented to Mr. Peel, lia). Protestant Procession to Windsor, 229. Insubordination of the Students at Cambridge, 245, Westmin- ster Abbey on lire, 276. Riots in Man- chester, 291. Statue voted at a public meeting in London to the Duke of Wellington, Ma. State of the country, 292, 620, 641, 674, 701, 802, Westmin- ster Election Dinner-uproar by Cob. bolt, 339. Wellesley Pole tried for libelling Sir W. de Crespigny, 355. Typhus fever in Oxford Street, 389. Libel on Lord Lyndhurst, 402. Minis. terial dinner at Greenwich, 4111. Pro- secution of the Morning Journa1,387, 419, 455, 5711, 821 ; of the Atlas, 402. 419, 824. State of the Silk weavers,- 4112 The Metropolitan Water Com- panies, 498. Illegal fees and oppressive imprisonment, 499. Colchester elec- tors, 501. Recorder's report,531. Court Martial on Captain Dickinson, 548, 563, 379. Reform meetings in London, 5711/ Libels on,the Duke of Welling-- tee, 578. Public meetings of radical reformers, 594. New Post Office; 610. Court Martial on Colonel Bayley, 611, 697. Election of Lord 31ayor, 620. Meeting at Newark, e42. Snow in Londm, in the beginning ofOetober,642. Steam.carringes tried, 645, 603. Smug- gling in the name of Lord Stuart de Rothsay, 659, 705. Lord Mayor's pro- cession, 723. Reductions in all the departments of the East India Com- pany's service, 737. Cobbett's lectures entire Distresses of the Country, 755, 786, MD. Redemption of the 4 per cents, HOE. Meetings about the Malt and Beer duties, 802. Commission of Lunacy on Mr, Edward Davies, 804.
Letter of Dr. Curtis to the Duke of Wel- lington on the Catholic question, in answer to the Duke's, I; dispute re- specting the import of a particle in the Duke's Letter, 1; Marquis of Angle- sey's Letter to Dr. Curtis, 2. Marquis of Anglesey's Recal, 17. Appointment of Lords Justices to replace Lard An- glesey in the government of Ireland, 33 Appointment of the Duke of Northumberland to the office of Vice- roy, 99. Departure of Lord Anglesey from Dublin-deportment of the Irish, 49. Dissolution of the Catholic Asso- ciation, 98. Disposal of the Catholic Rent, 355. O'Connell's triumphant entry into Limerick, 370. Outrage at Borcis.olane, 417. Duke of Cumber- land's Letter to the Orange Clubs, 433. Riots in the North, 463. Proclamations by the lord Lieutenant, 465, 514. O'Connell's Return for Clare, 497, Dr. Doyle's Address, 561, Meeting at Thurles, 593. Murder of Hanlon by a combination, 610. Refusal of the Lord Lieutenant to apply for the Insurrection Act, 815. Lay Meeting at Cork fa: Church Reform, 610. The Doneraile conspirators tried at Cork, 091, 707. The Dublin combination murder. 72/. Projected repeal of the Union by O'Connell, TV.
Petitions in Scotland far and alminst the Catholics, 162. .5Ieeting at Edinburgh to consider the Catholic Bill, 183. Dreadful effects of the great floods in Scotlaud, 518.
Arches Court-259, 227, 742, Board of Rxeise-790.
cononissions oJ Lanese/1-627,694, 889,1319. Consistory Court-133, 726.
Court of Chancery-324, 435, 499, 7119, 723, 742, 759.799, 821.
Court of Common Pleas-50, 67, 133, 355,
372, 5/111, n19, 693, 710, 726, 760, 774, 790, 800, 821.
Court of Coudelegates-710.
Corset Exchequer-116, 435, 726, 742, 774, Court of Ring's Bench-52, 67, 84, 100, 133, 2.59, 340, 335, 337, 402, 419, 435, 452, 468, 4103, 651, 678, 693, 710, 724, "42, 759, 774, 790, 806, 821.
Insolvent Debtor's Court-340,742, 806. Palace CourI-710.
Prerogative Court-52,133. Privy Council-259, 532. Dolls Court-709, 725,790, Sheriff's 110u04-423.
P.-Chancellor's Court-35, 67, 824, 456•
4819, 452, 709,725, 759, 774, 006,
Weekly List-21, 37, 33, 68, 85, 86, 101, 116, 148, 104, 110, i96, 230, 246, 2t01,
291, 308, 302, 340, 336, 374, 369, 494, • 419, 430, 433, 468, 499, 516, 331, 550, 553, 579, 595, 627, 643, 661, 676, 691, 706, 723, 739, 756, 771, 707,503, 819. Sacrilege at the French Ambassador's chapel, George Street, Portman Square, during divine service, 53. Cruelly to parish apprentices-Commit- tal of the Hibners, mother and daugh- ter, for murder, 110; trial, 1030; exe- cution, 346.
Committal of John Butler, on charge of murdering Mr, Neale,197; trial and acquittal for the murder, found guilty of the robbery, 230. Mi. Downing's floor-cloth manufactory at Chelsea wilfully burnt by James But- ler, 388; trial and condemnation of the delinquent, 328; Isis execution, 483. Examination of Captain Ilragge on a charge of munler,419. Extraordinary hoax of a simpleton at Greenwich, 484. Case of Oppressive Imprisonment, 499, 1116, Mr. French and the young Cobbetts, 517. A Jew robbed by Jews, 563. Inquiry into the death of Mrs. Phillips at 1•inchley, 5111, 619, 627, 025, Mr. Phillips's defence, 755. Further pro- ceedings at Bow Street. 789, 819. Extraordinary species ef house robbery. sa0.
Admiralty Sessions-38, 230, 433. Devonshire Sessions-894.
Dublin Sessions-Trials for Murder-723. Essex Sessions-694.
Greenwich Sessi008--494.
High Court of Justiciary. Edinburgh- Trial of Burke and Macdougall, 5. London Sessiona--26.
Middlesex Sessions-36, 32, 67, 148, 245, 260. 373, 611, 691, 724.
Old Bailey-35, 52 116, 133, 030, 244, 259, 1275, 453, 579, 593, 690, 704, 771, 787.
Petworth Sessions-53.
Southwark Sessions-260.
Special Commission. Cork-691, 707. Surrey Sessions-38, 53, 67, 148, 549, 724. Westminster SC4.7{071.-35. 373, 803,
Aylesbury, 163- OakilArt, 182. Cambridge, 300, Maidstone, 182. 191.
Carlisle, 165. ',Marlborough, 1132.
Chelmsford,182,300. Monmouth, 559.
Chester, 581. ' Newcastle, 163.
Cork. 564, Norwich, 532, Birmingham, 540. Nottingham, 519. Itrldgewater, 3113. Rea
saticlitlg, 5411. 500.
Bury, 517.
Exeter, 532- Shrewsbury,195,532. Huntingdon, 196, Statibrd, 519.
Kingston, 4, 246. Stuart, 1120. Lancaster, 1132, 196. Winchester, 483.
Leicester' 582. ; Worcester, 163, 300. Lincoln, 195. York, the, 213, 532.
Murders.-22. 37. 54, 871, 117, 134, 104, 196, 247, 261, 277, 300, 851, 374, 390, 404, 420, 4.53, 468, 405, 500, 516, 532, 549, 563, 531, 612, 661, 676, 708, MI. Mr. Langtrey and his housekeeper at Portsmouth, 148; discovery of the murderer, 184.
Singular assassination of Green by his fellow-apprentice Vials, 468.
Edinburgh Murders, 21; execution of Burke, 69,
Suicides.-22, M, 164, 247,577, 309, 335, 374, 339, 403, 420, 437 462, 516, 5.32, 581, 612, 628, 643, 1.161, 676, 592, 725, 740, 757, 788.
The Hanoverian SiderS, 389; inquest, 403.
Robberies and other Crinses.-02, 37, 68, 85, 101, 117, 134, 1112, 196, 197, 230, 242, 261, W7, 293, Elea, 385, 341, 350, 874, 390, 404, 420, 456, 451, 468, 499, 516, 651, 550, 363, 580, 598, 812, 628, 843, 662, 676, 692, 707, 724, 740, 757, 772, 796, 804, 820.
Fraud at Lloyds, 4. Crimes for the Benefit of Anatomists, 22. Crimes of a Bavarian Priest, 319, Great Forgery, 580. Excesses of the Spitalfields Weavers, 292, &c.
Hardships from an erroneous charge of murder, 501.
Extraordinary trial of William Buckle, for attempting to kill his sweetheart,517. Escape of twelve convicts from the Birm- ingham Coach, 707.
Irish duels .709.
Weekly 02st-20, 36,53,67,85,101,116,134, 148, 163, 197, 231, 2,46, 260, 276, 293, 808, '825, 340, 336, 873, 1189, 403, 419, 484, 451, 517. 483, 500, 316, 549, 563, 581, 597, 612, 628, 644, 660, 676, 692, 708, 724, 740, 772, 789, 804, 220. Twenty-seven persons killed, and between thirty and forty wounded, by the falling in of a door at Hyde, 214.
Dreadful storm at Navarino, 768. Remarkable case of Hydrophobia, 645. Effects of floating ice on the Thames, 67. Loss of a Leith smack, the Lord Melville, 184.
Houses at Nottingham buried by the fall of a mass of rock, 244.
Storms and their effects, 276.
Burning of the Oxford-street Bazaar, 340. Inundation at Illackhill, near Leeds, 451. Loss of the Liverpool and Birminghant 5[81.
Ascot Heath First Meeting, 391; Second Meeting, 420:
Epsom Races, 357.
Epsom, October Meeting, 644. Egham Races, 550.
Doncaster Races, 597.
Heaton Park Races, 614.
Hunting A ppoinunents, 735, 750, 766, 782, 792, 1113, 1130.
Newtnarket Craven Meeting, 261; First
October Meeting, 129.
Oxford Rowing Match, 375.
Tattersall's, 532.
Yacht Club, 375.
Weekly Lid-23, 511, 55, 70, 88, 07, 102, 103, Ilft, 154, 150, 184, 1911, 214, 231, 247, 263, 270, 294, 310, 31, 342, 358, 375, 390, 405, 420, 457, 453, 468, 485, 502. 532, 551, 364, 582, 5011, 614, 629, 602, 677, 693, 709, 723, 741, 758, 789, a03, 6214 OBITUARY OF REMARK- ABLE PERSONS.
Baird, Sir David, 547. Buchan, Earl of, 262.
Colchester, Lord, 302.
Curtis, Sir William, 51.
Female Husband, 55,
Ramos, Chief of the ExecutiveDirectory,
87. • Bridgewater, Earl of, II& East, Sir Gilbert, 118.
Harrington, End of, 594. Harris, Lon]. 333.
Bullock, Mr. Baron, 920. Lloyd, Dr , Bishop of Oxford, 355. Shield, the Compo,er, 70, Vauquelin,the Chemist, 758.
The Money Market-Weekly State of the Funds -2,18, 33, 30,6e, 83, 99, 114, 151, 147, 102, 181, 194, 213, 2rn, 243, 271, 274, 291, 306, 323, 330, 354, 370, 326, 402, 418, 434, 449, 466, 432, 498, 514, 5:10, 547, 562 578, 591, 619, 6V1, 642, 659, 674, 690, 705, 723,7311, 754, 770, No, 802, 818.
Bankrupts and Insolverds,frorn the London Gatettes-13, 29, 46, 62, 77, ai, tip, 126, 142, 159 174, 190, .216, 222, 228, 254, 270, 08.5, 302, 317, 331, 349, 366, 28e, 399, 414, 420, 446, 462, 4711, 494, 510, 527, 543, 5.59, 574, 595, 606, 322, 638, 954, 070, 685, 702, 110, 7114, 750, 765, 781, 797, 813, 829,
London Markets-14, 29, 46, 63, 78, 95, III, 127, 143, 159, 174, 190, 207, 222, 238, 254, 271, 2115, 302, 318, S33, 350, 326, 382, 599, 41.4, 430, 447, 463, 479, 495, 511, 527, 543, 559, 574, 590, 607, 625, 0311, 054, 671, 6116, 702, 718, 755, 750, 766, 7/12, 798, 814, 330.
Mining Intelligence-14, 30, 95, 111, 127, 14a, 159, 17.5, 191, 207, 214, 239, 171, 203, 302, 3111, 21511, 337, 383, 399, 414, 4.17, 511, 543, 559, 579 591 607, 624, 688, 655, 671, 066, 702; 7111, 735, 751, 726, 794 791, 814, 830, East India 9hipping-13, 29, 45, 62, 77, 93, 109, 12e, 142, 158, 173, 190, 206, 221, 637, 253, 270, 2/14, 301, 317, 333, 349, 366, 302, 590, 453, 429, 440, 462, 478, 454, 510, 517, 542, 5311, 574, 590, 606, 622, 637, 654, 870, 085, 701, 717, 734, 743, 70, 731, 797, 812, 829.
Births, Marring., and Obituary-13, 29, 45, 62, 77, Si, 110, 126, 142 1.58, 171, 190, 206, 222, 237, 254, 270. 205, 301, 317, 333, 349, 368, 382, 399, 413, 429, 440, 422, 4711, 494, 510, 527, 342, 559, 574, 590, 606, 622, 637, 654, 620, 6115, 704 717, 734, 749, 763, 701, 797, 015, 829.
Literary Announcements-19, 29, 45, 61, 76, 83, 118, 125, 141, 153, 173, 159, eas, 221, 253, 209, 214, 501, 317, 332, 349, 365, 302, 398, 413, 428, 446, 462, 470, 494, 510, 526, 558, 573, 500, 662, 622, 637, 653, 6711, 685, 701, 717, 733, 749, 714, 701, 797, 814, 829.
List of Nero Pu5lications-10, 29, 45,', 61, 76, 93, 109, 183,141, 158, 173, 189, 203, 221, 237 253, 269, 2114, 301, 317, 333, 849, 165, 382, 398, 413, 428, 446, 465, 478, 494, 510, 526, 541 558, 573, 590, 606, 622, 637, 653, 670, 0115, 701, 717, 754, 745, 751, 781, 797, 812, 829, The Universities-12, 29, 45, 01, 76, 93, 109, 125, 141, 173, 189, 206, 221, 237, 053, 209, 1814, 501, 317 332, 319, 322, :fee, 413, 428, 446, 462. 633, 670, 6115, 701, 717, 734, 749, 764, 701, 797, 814 829,
The Chnrch-12, 78,93, 100,105,141, 173, 189, 296, 221, 237, 269, 284, 301, 317, 332, 349, 366, 382, 3911, 413, 428, 446, 462, 478, 510, 526, 342, 598, 606, 625, 637, 854, 670, 6115, 701, 717,731, 749, 764, 721, 797, 829,
The Army-Distribution of Corps, Pro- motions, Exchanges, Re,- la, 29, 62, 70,63,103, 125,141, 189, 206, 221, 253, 269, 284, 80/, 317, 932, 368, 413, 425, 462, 478, 494, 510, 557, 512, 558, 543, 090, 802, 610, 037, 654, 670, 701, 717, 734, 749, 764, 797, 812, 829.
The Nary-Distribution of the Ships in Cauunisslon, 109,1115, 176.
sruttrOF THU SE11/14112.
Meeting ,,t" Parliammt-King's Spceels-. 5. 1)1111 alike Catholic claims, ,I,tord • Eldoit's opposition, lii. Suppre,sion or the Association-epposit ion of Lord Winchilsea-Eari Grey's specell, 911. Continued discussion on the Ca- then,: claims in the House of Lords- Dukesof Sussex and Cumberlatul -Lord Plunkett, 114. Speech of the //eke of Clarenee, 1211. Speech of Mr. Wilsey', 130. The Catholic Association SlIti the Bnmswick Clubs contrasted by the Mar- quis of Anglesey and Lord Plunkett, 130. Proceedings in the House of Com- inons-Exposition by Mr. Peel of the nature of the Catholic Relief Bill- personalities addressed to him,. 145. Majority and Minority on the mmtion for going IMO a 4:0111111141EV 011 the Re- lief Dill, 167. First reading, 112. A h: stract of the Bill, 165. Second read- ing, 177. Mr. Sadler's speech, 177. Bill for Disfninchising the Iri,n Forty- shilling Freeholders carded in the house of Commons, tun. Sir t`harles Wetherell's speech on the Relief Dill, 193. Third reading of the Relief Dill, 209. Majority and Illinefity in the Commons on the third reading of the Relief Bill, 215. Introduction of the Catholic Relief Bill in the House of Lords,and debate ors thesecond reading, 269, 225. Third reading. 112(1.2 Earl of leinchilsea's call for Reform in Podia- 'nem, 227, Majority am/ Minority in the Lord, on the third reading of the Relief 11111, 232. Royal sanction to the Relief Bill, 241. New Police Bill, 249, 833. Three Catholic Peers assume their seats in the Home of Lords, 273, Army Estimates, 114. Navy BE4iIIISICA, 130. Iridt Estimates, 522. The Budget, 200. Parliamentary Reform, 299. Marquic of Anglesey's exposition of the or his recall, 290. Silk Trade-cli,cus. slots in the Douse of Common,, 2.11; Bill passed, 290. Tohne,o duties, 353. Chancery Reform, 3e5. Indian affairs, 325. Mr. O'Connell's claim to his mitt, 305; his refnsal to take the oaths, 321. Augmentation of the Scotch Judges' Salaries proposed and negatives!, 322. Currency, S37. Sugar tract, 337. Re- lations with Portugal,a33. Wintliug of the Debates, 313. Prorogation 0, Parliament,401. Parliamentary Diary, 23, tall, 118, 135, 130,16G, 214, 231,247-
ortstoss 02 TIES SEMIS, 701,112/.42 02 JILL PARTIRS4 to; rim cenneee 21121.1(4 EILIKST1022.
An Alarm. 1911.
An Awful Crisis, 2711.
Anglesey's (Lord) Recall, 24; 1tis Go- vernment of Ireland, 39, Cabinet. Candidates for the-Ilatnd Mr. I'eel, 4121, Chancery Reforms-Incapacity of Lord Lyndhurst, 375. Church - Bishop of Lincoln, and 1111. Wray, 406. Colonies, bel6Government of the, 25. Colonization of India, 400, COEIStry. State of the, 291, 342, 760. Currency, the, 345,
English Policy in the East of Europe, 320. English Traders, Immorality ot; 244. English' Dishonesty of, 9.
Evils of Divided dovenunent, G. Expensive Popularity, 261.
French Ministry, 520.
Game Laws, Rationale of, 39.
Govenenent Proseentimis for Libel, "21,
Ireland as it and as it might be, 24; what will Ireland de now ? 272; State of, 437; Inane., of Popery in, 426; Reform of the Church in, 215.
Levant and Mediterranean, Trade of the, 679.
News of the Court and Cabinet via Edin- burgh, 453. Nonsense.-e For those who may deem it entitled to notice," 451.
Porn:nue:11, Character of the Past Session 405; state of Parties, 421; Reform of, 454, 4116.
'5 Paper Bubble," 294. Phases of the Wellingtun Ministry-A, Parable, 39.
Pimlico Palace, 343.
Police, 204.
Prospects of the Farmers, 575; Harvest and the Supply of Corn, 502.
Religion and 51orals, coulv21,11 betweee, 40.
Representation-East Reified, 291, Retrenchment-leplanzacy, 39. Revenue, Mystery of, 25.
Rmsia, Secret l'ower 01; 614.
Russian Aggrandisement and English Debasement, 203.
Silk Trade, 265.
Spain and her former CnIonies, 263. Stranger ill the Gallery," 391.
Thieves in the City, 646, Tory Ministry,what might bedone by, 502. Turks, English Sympathy with, 4103 - Abandonment of our •• Ohl A flies." 505; Ruined hy Liberality, SIG FAI of; wy.1 Treaty of Adrianople, 603.
United. States--The Tariff, 4o.
Wellington, Duke of, 24; Duel wills the Earl of 1Vilichilsea, loll; toe:hetes Let ter to, :1111; Intention.; of 454 ; 3112 Colleague, Mr. Peel, 510; Libel on, in the Morning Journal, 3:19; Reported abandountent of the rasa kre.:evu ton., 6711..
suliters 00 ONXENAL =ratan. nadnitted Ignorance, 665. A tinning Decisions, 120.
• .rt against Nature-the l'etlt Lazary,I87. Ell-slavery Meeting, 456. t for Sharks, 376. B unten: and Bankiug, 23. Bashfulnern of the Press, 601. Beau Brummell, Betlal liorrida Betio 830.
Bentham, Mr. Jeremy, at the Adelphi
Theatre, 1107. Deranger's Bow, Ida lalg Newspapers 1-. a turoper V') 195. lathed! Blood! 58 Bores of the Press, 250. Brighton, 713. Dell:Mon Statistics, 777. -Buckingham (3Ir.) oral
Company, rm. tbe ka3t India Buckingham Pet-
, ....C*. 84111.
Burning or CBauntle s Waster, 87row'"r ul Mr A den
ten "28 ..1dge; Representation of, 392. ..nollo Dote hod Pratt:snail Duke, 691. othlholle Question, Best Settkonent of, 57, 87, 103. Chairs in St. James's )'ark, 328. Chalmers, (Dr.) 190. Chancellor (Lord Lyndhurst) and the Morning Journa1,392. Chancery, Jarisdiction of, 791. Character of the French, 524. Cheapening the Necessaries of Life, 727, 743, 761, 775, 791. Church, 72)1,0)11. Church Ittforen, 233,616. Clerical Discipline. 407. Cobbett and the Chronicle, 471. Cockney Fleet. 472. Consistency, 14a/.
Constitutional Forces, the Militia, 995.
Controversy on the Greatest Happiness Principle,775: attempt to settle it, 826. CoventaGunlen Theatre, .532,50)1, 776
Court Journals (the two) 4215. Court Martial at l'ortsmouth, NM, 583,
Criminal Law, SM. Crops, 593 Crumbs of comfort for the Tories, 505, Currency, Bills of Exchange or Bank- notes? M.
Decline of the Drama, 534. Decorum of the Theatres, 600. Delicate Distinctions, 777. Delicate investigation, 825. Depravation of Literature, 394. Diary of a Reader of the French Papers,
90, 122' 153,170, 2:14.
Dreadful Discovery, 664. Duchess and Honest Man, 428. Du tnont and Bentham, 762. East Retford -Reform, 295. Editorial Commentaries, SOO. Epsom Races, :WO. Essex, Representation of. 726.
Exclusive Intelligence, 630, 047, ni,
Fashionable Intelligence, 152. Fine Writing made Easy, 26, ' Fire ! 279 Follies of a Day, Puna in the Morning chronicle, 777. Foreign Notions of English Policy, 711. France Defied, 744. French Ministry, 520. French 950. recmch Post and Posting. 292. Garth (Captain) ley. Genteel Preference, 360 Gold, 151. Goulburn's (Mr.) New Way,to Pay Old Debts, 810. Grammar, a Philologian's, 379. Grandeurs of Windsor Castle, 329. Hanoverian Ladies, 392, 407. • flats,&30. B leb Authority, MO. Hoax of the Month, 487. Holiday Work, 250. Honour in a "Cross" 73. Honest Testimonials,312. House of Commons at Four caelock in the
3rannnat when the Relief Bill was
passed, 215. Hungetford Market, 775. • improvement, 279. Inappropriate Joke, 422. Incledno, the late Charles, 632.
India, 865, 279, 911,743.
Infallible Cordials, 41. Ireland, 460. Irish Musical Criticism, 281. Irving at Brighton, 680. Jolt for the Attorney-General, 185. Judge Jebb, 452. Judicial Exhortation to Falsehood, 504. Justice to the Absent, 423. King's College, 200, 249. King's Health, 600,616. Labours of tbe Lords, 137.
L andseer's (Mr.) Pamphlet, 533, 552.
Last Sanction, 265. Law and Lawyers, 616. Legal Inconsistencies, 471. Legal Plunder, 61a. "i.e Itoi In vent," 248. Lessons in English History, 959. Letters from a Recluse, 006,5)14, mg, 7241, 762, 733, 807. Liability of Newspaper Proprietors, 825. Literary Hoax, Morning Chronicle and Sir James Mackintosh, 791. longbow Appropriation of Jokes, 393. Lost or v 617.
Madhouses,relvate, 712. Mail S., 521.
Malt and Ale, 618. March of Manners, 137. Mathematical Studies, 521. Meat for the London Market, 533. Melancholy Death, 664 Melancholy Musings, 311. Member for Clare, 398. Metaphysical Criticism, 58. 31 Mister of State and Minister of Syden- ham, 4117. Military Pensions, 616. Militia, 285. Ministry, :159.
1)15 inisterial Plans, 152.
Misrepresentation of the truss of Court,72. Morality of the Day, 487.
Morbid Fancies, 41. More Matter for the A ttorney•General,
Morning Chronicle and the Fire King, 648.
Motives to Murder, es. Music and it lagistrates, 604.
Natives at Fault, 439.
Neapolitan Honesty, 827. Negotiation, 320. • Newcastle, Duke of, and Electors of Newark, 647. Newspaper Fact, 631. Newspaper Larceny, 791. Newspaper Morality, 260. Newspaper Squabbles, Duel between two Scotch Editors, 745.
O'Connell-What must be done with him, 71; in the House, 310; Member for Clare, 3M ; in Parliaments 504.
Odious Comparisons, 295. . Opera Feint, 457.
Oxford Election, Itt*:
Oxford Representation, 600. Panics of the Day, 187. Parliementary Reform, 43$. Parting Word to the Catholic Question, 215.
Peel, (Mr.) 407, 470. Partnershir Olt Penny-a-L ne Metaphysith,763. lthienix Wanted, ell. Pious Fraud of the Anti-Slavery Reporter, 471.
Poetic Saint and Opera Singee,492. l'olice Bill, 948; Regulations, 617, 630 Magistrates, n17. Poor Laws, Edinburgh lieviewa) Con- Version, 600. 'Popularity of the Present Ministers, 9. Press of London, 339.
Prince and Chimney Sweeper' 720. Prosecutions by Government for Libel,
421, ND, 600. 695. Protection of Dreier:tic Talent, 40. Protestant Colonies, 616. Pall' Collusive, WO. Quarter's Hercome, 644. ,G.thationable Advice, 680. Rational Speculation, 595. Reasons for not having visited the Opera, 118.
Reciproeity,263. Refinements of the Press, 206. .a. Relief Bill, Lea Reporter!, Parliamentary; 866. Retreat of Intellect, 683. ltetrospect of the London Season, 1829, 422.
Riding-Long and Short Stirrups, 7J. Round Robin, Mr. Peel, 455. Ilowlaml Stephenson, 466. Sadler, (arra 1115; Whitby Dinner, 618. Scientific Murders, 9.
School Recollections, by a Sufferer. 609,
610, 632. Shaming Interest, 603. Siamese Boys, 760. Signs of the 'Shuns, 89,343. Silk Trade, 248. Sinecures, Defence of, 503. Sir Walter Scott's Writings in the Spec- tator, 341.
Slave Question, 25, 26, 216, 233, 359, 4313.
Smithfield Market, 359. Sontag's Act:Mena:En. Speaking by the Card, 648. Split among the Anti-Catholics, 110. State of the Country, 993. 584. State Physicians, Pea Surprising intelligence, 2111. Suspicious Coincidence, 267. Swan River Job, 376. Tea, 829. Tete:talon (Lord) and the Anti.Catholics, 711.
Theatrical Impetus, 393, Theatrical Lome and Modesty, 777. 'right Leong, 409. Tragic and Comic Tmpressions, 521. True Humanity,
Vapour verso, Steaming, 456.
Vauxhall Gardens,.457. Vexatious Regulations at tha lamer Temple, 471. Vox rotten. 108. Vulgar Errors, 2l6. Waithrnau and the Press, 775. Wandering Troubadour, 254.
Waterloo, Battle of, 91.
Wellington (Duke of)-Designs against the West Indians, 199; Fall from his Horse,344; a Commissioner of Excise, 600.
Wellington Hospitality, 196. Where is General Roth ? 407. Whims of Justice, 712. Whist. Arnaud on, 534, 551. Who is the Dupe? 601. Wine Trade-Reciprocity, 965.
Affection's Offering, 795. Album Perdu, 763. Alittanacks, 705. Anne of Gelerstein, 302, Annuals, 669, 698, 777. Arcane of Science, DO. - Arnotes Elements of Physics, 795, Art of Latin Poetry , 444. Atlas of England and Wales, 748. Australia, Picture of, 634, 651. Barn's (Countess du) Memoirs, 503, Baussers Anecdotes of the Interior of Napoleon's Palace,59. Bernadotte's Memoirs, 732.
Beamish's Peace Campaigns ora Cornet,
Berney's German Anthology, Wt.
Beaver, (Captain) Life of, 594- Best's Memorials, 5/47. Biber's Christian Education, 795. Black Book of l'aris, 156. Blackwood's Magazine, 603. Bible Atlas, 795, 13nurrienne's Memoirs,220, British Naturalist, 780. Brown's (Captain) Book of Dogs, 890. Brunswick, a satirical poem,460. Burckhardes Travels in Arabia, 404. Barton's Rome 284. Cabinet Cyclopiedia, 793. Celamrs Life, 602. Caricaturesfrom Rank and Talent," 99. Chapters on Churchyards, 316, Chelsea Pensioners, 697. Chesterfield's Letters, 460. Clark on Climate, 571, Clarke's Introduction to Heraldry, 411. Collegians, 171.
Constable's 3liscellany-Uplianas 1 listory
of the Ottoman Empire 411; "'acme's History of Architecture;Painting, and Sculpture, 411. Cookery Books, 330. Cooper's Borderers, 667. Croker's Geography for Children, 107. Duenels, 621, Death Warrant of Negro Slavery, 714. Dearreux, 473. Dibdina Bibliographical Tour in France and Germany, MM, Doddridge's Correspondence, 683. Doom of Derenale, 475. Drunkenness and Temperance,Tracts on,
Eeartd, 252.
Enacts of the Reformation, on CFOS So- ciety, 411.
Egyptians, }listen' of, 795. Elementary School Books, 124. Encyclopedia liritannica, 699. Family Classical Library-Demosthenes, telt Family Library-Life ofBonaparte, 231; Lives of the Painters, oen History of Insects, 696; Court and Camp of Bo. naparte, 795.
Fansbawe's (Lady) Metnoirs, ISM
Five Nights of St. A lbans, 325. Fletcher's Chozar and Selo, 411. Florence, the worst novetof the season, 381. "
Francis the First, 379. Frankland's Travels to and frosts Con. suntinople, 469.
Franklin's Journeys to the Polar Seas, 49.
Fraser Tytler's History of Scotland, MC. Gasteney's, Sir Philip. 820. Geralditte of Desmond,460.
Rackets. Grammar School Defen3ed,1311, Hall's (taptala) Travels ii, North Arne-
rica, 441.
Hands and Feet, 811,
Hardy's Travels in MexlcO, 731. Health withuot Physic, 705.
Hoogernen's Greek Pettleles, no •
Hojte of Imotortality;2I65. Hone Phienologiere 537. Hugo's (Victor) Las; Day of a Prisoner Condemned to Death, 154. - Intellectual Philosophy, 138. Irving's (Washington) Conquest of Gra- nada,507. Jacotot's New System of Universal Ins struction, 622. Journal of a Naturalist, 219. Jettarsnn's Memoirs, 745. King's Page, 465, Landon ( Nliss)Venetian Bracelet, Lost Pitied, and other Poems, 110)1. Last of the Plantagenets, 61. ray Doctors, 2b5 letters from the Egean, 107. I.evio(Duke de) La Conspiration, 29. Library of Entertaining Knowledge-Me- nageries, 252; Thither Trees, HI ; In. seetArchitecture,606. Life of Belbarius, by Lon( Mahon, 411, Lingard's History of England, 300. Living and the Dead, 140. LoCke, Lurd.King's Life of, 460. London University Maga:due, 795. Long Hollow, 205. Longevity, persons remarkable for, 444. Loves of the Poets, 460, MacculloctesDictionaryof Cornmeree,699. Macforlane's Constantinople In 1028.410, 449; .1ppendix, 6114. Madden's Eastern Travels, 570.
afalcolm's.Scenes of War, 43. Malcolm's Tales of Flood and Field, 411. Manual of Anatomy, 795. Medicine No MYstery,55.5. 5lisfonunes of Elptin, :136. aforgan's(Lady) Book of the Boudoir, 538, Naval Officer, 193. Neele's Living and Dead, Second series, 141: Nervous Afrections,795. Newland's Apology for the Irish Church, 810.
New Forest, 524, Nursery Anthology for (830-Juvenile
Annuals, 8:17.
Parriana, 899. Piteaira's Scotch Criminal Trials, 491, Poetical Sketch Book, 397. Poor Humphrey's A Imanack, 205. Popular Voyages and Travels, 460. Practical Logic, 555. Private Memoirs of Louis XVIII. 725.
Pulpit, 690
Quarterly .Toureal of A griculture, 123, Rank and Talent, 75.
Remarkable Biography -Latour d 'Au. emote, Anquetil du Perron, 124. Reviews-Foreign Quarterly and Foreign, 75; Forefeet Quarterly, 569; Edinburgh and Westm outer, G33 ; Edinburgh,779. Rhymes on Matrimony, 793. Richelieu, 443. Robertson's Law of Legitimation, 428. Romance of Ifistoty•-Spain, 1127. Romances of lteal Life,365. Rote's African Travels, 746. Russell's( Lord John iHistory ofEurope, 75. Rybrent de Cruce, 460. Sailors and Saints, 68. School of Fashion,426. Scipio de Ricci, 42. Scotch Songs and Ballads, collected by Chambers, 506. Sectarian,316. - Sigmas Russian Mtory, 988. Shepherds, SheeVrand Dogs, by James Hogg, .203. Shipp's:Wombs, en ; second edition, 76S. Sketches of Irish Character, 347. Small.Poets-Authors of "Cain," "Ga. brielle," "Adra," 587. Souter's Catechisms, 620, Spellingand Reading, 035. Stories of Waterloo, 697. Stratton 22211, 556. Suchers Memoirs. by Himself, DI. Swainson'a New Zoological Illustrations, 43.
Tales or a Bride. 764. Tales ofa Grandfather, Third Series, 808. Tales of a Voyager, 122. Tales of a Bnefless Barrister, 704.
Tales of Passion, 106. Tower Menagerie, 28. Traits of Travel, 314. Treatment of Coughs. 795. Vidocq's Memoirs, 252. Village l'atriarch, 282. Waverley Novels, 190,6118. WhitesNatural History of Selborne, 820. Wickens on Law-making, 505, Wise's Catholic Association, 537. Xenoohon's Anabasis, 684. Yesterday in Ireland, 139. Young Lady's Book, 715.
Adelphi, 131,650; Elephant, 776, 8074
Art of Acting, 911. sastlers, Queen of Portugal, 345. Benefits. Rationale or, 410. Beggar's Opens Reversed, 377. Black.eyed Susan-T. 1'. Cooke' at the Surrey, 505. Caswallon, 41. Drury Lane Fund, Dinner, 187. Epicharls, a new Tragedy, 605. Follies of Fashion, 776. French Theatricals-Leona Laporte,and Mademoiselle Jenny Colon, 105; Jenny Vertprd, 376. Incledon, the Younger, at Drury Lane, 630.
Irishmen of the Stage, 567*. Jones. of Edinburgh, in Lord Ogleby, 649.. Julius Cresar, at Drury Lane, 69$. Kean, 776. Kean, the Younger,.at the Haymarket, 650.
Ketnble. Charles. in Archer, 38; in Ri-
tmo, 320; in Charles.. 648, 051. Kemble. Sties Fanny, in Juliet, 648,691; in Belvidere. 792- Malade I m agin aire, (le), 217. Mathewsand rates-SpringMeeting,345. Mathews in Monsieur Mallet, 169. Manieuvring, out.manceuvred, 42e. Monopolies, 280
Mordaunt, Miss, 060,288,
Natural School of Acting-Perlet, 201- New Tragedian-Pemberton at Covent Garden, in Virginia., 153: in $1,51.0ekt 170.
Opening of the Winter Theatres, 631. Pantomime, decline of, 9., Rival Kings, 121. Salaries of Actors, 893. Scenes of the Drury Lane Ptintomine,823. Shakspeare's Early Days, 09$.. Smithson, Miss, in Juliet,330. Snakes in the Grass, 712. Surrey, a Visit to,59. Terry, the late Mr., critical thtinlate of his powers, 425. Thealfeal Stars, 730. William'rhompson thellaytharket,601. Witness, ithe), 591.
Adam's Lectinds, 1864 Ancient Concerts, State of, 713,130. Apollo's gift, 396. Beggar's Opera Reversed, 377. Birmingham Festival,6 01, 650. Brabant, John, 187.
City Amateur Concerts, 007.
Chester Festival, 596. Classical Harmonists, 713. Counts at Covent Garden, 814. Cramer's, Me P., Concert, 813.
Der Freischuta, 4165; in German at Cb•
vent Garden, 3121. Der Vampsr, 553. Bihdin Festival, 234. Don Giovanni at the Italian Opera House, 800. .
Drouet's Concert, 410. Edinburgh Musical Album, 253. Edinburgh Musical Intelligence, . Egan, Me.. angry letter from, 733. Sisteddvod, 9.97.
English Skord.s to Foreign Music, 4.118. Epidemic of the Opera House, 157. Gledhill's Family, Concert for, 792. Greatorex's Concert, 11111.
Greatorex, Mr., and thellarmonieon,877. Guildhall Concert, for the Spanish and Italian Refugees, 202, 218. Hannonists,792. Hummeas Instructions for the Piano- forte, 1411. Italian Opera-La Donna del Logo. 184; 11 Conte Gry. 152; I 31casicani-Doo- %ern, Blasts, Pisaroni, 200; New 'Janet, 217; La Gana Ladra, 5133; Maliltran, Sontag. and Ph:arena 312; • 440 ; Gll Gear) e Curiaxj-Donoelli, Curicati, Pi- saroni, 488. Italian Operas by the Pupils of the Royal Academy, 808. Lent Oratorios-Joseph and his Brethren, 1571 general Management, 202. Le Nuoze di Figaro. 592. Lindley's Concert, 331. Lindsay on Flute-playing, 397. L'Italiano in Algieri-Pisaroni as Dorota Isabella, 121, Malibran Garcia, 280, 330. Madrigal Society, 458. Maid ofJudah at Covent Garden, 169. Masnniello at Drury Lane, 256. Music in the City, 745. Musical Bijou, 699. Musical Itetrospections and Anticipa- tions, 250. Musical Scramble, 313. New Music,237, 608,523,811. New Musical Fund, 261. Night before the Wedding at Covent barden, 744. Oratorios, 202; at Guildhall, 285. Opera 'louse Concerts, 313. Philharmonic Society's Concerts, 034,001, 513, 246. Potter's Concert, 331, Professional Concert, 267. Purcell's Sacred Music, edited by No. vello, 412. Retrospect if the Musical Seatton 1022, 413. Robber's Bride,457. Royal Society of Musicians, Dinner of, 378. Sacred Music in St. Paul's, 440. Sontag's lleuelit, 323. Sontag's "Reruns" anti Blasts' "Donna Antaa,"47e. Spring Lock, 535. Tbontpson's Instructions to my Daughter, 747.
Album, Mrs. Haldimand'a,412.
British Artists, Sixth Exhibition. 962,218. British Institution, private view of paints logs at. Catalog 73.ue of Mr. Britton's Works, 780. Cruikshank's Scraps and Sketches, 719. Colosseum, 88.
Connoisseurship, Rules for, 297. rlevonshire Illastrated, 764,
Diorama-St. Peter's and Triers, 343. Engravings, 2114 III, 311,457.875,600, Galleriesof Art, 522.
hood's Comic Annual, 780. lIolyday Sights, 250. Illustrations of the Annuals, 668, 747, King, Portroits of, 88. Lodge's Illustrious Portrait,. thea. National °Vero; advantages of, 189. Old Masters at the British Institution, 377. Painted Glass, 105.
Paintings in Water Colours, 331. Painting venue Engraving, 234. Pandemoniutn, 267. Panorama-Constantinople, 535. l'anorama of Paris, 711 of Sydney, 169. Royal Academy Paintings, 314.
Royal Portraits, 535 Tam o'Shanter and Stouter Johnny, 281. Turner's England, 393.
Bar, letters on the monopoly of, by W., 49)1,542,591).
Barristers and Attomies, letter on, by Common Sense, 526. Beggar's Opera Reversed, letter from thonmon Sense on, Sal. Chancery, Hints for the Improvement of Practice, 124, 412. Church, on the Revenues of, 503. Cooks.;; Word or two for, by L., 23. Cornwall, letter on Steam-engines in,669. Drama,on the Decline of, from J 11,637; on the Classical and Romantic forms of, 748. Education, letter from Mr. Biber on his new pbm, 805 Elementary Sch000l-hooks, letter on the improvement of, by Ebenezer Collins, 124.
Foreign Grain, letter on the amount of Payments for, by Mercator, 44. Inner Temple Regulatio., letters from Aristides on, 203,542; on ditto, from C., 508,5571 on ditto, from Leguleius, 527'.
Italian Oaera, lettere° the Economics of, by X. I . 1.44,
Law, notice of Lectures on, 717. Madrigal's.% letter from a, 477, Malt-tax. 684. aletayer System of Farming,589. New Morality, letter from Tom Tickall, 279.
New Police, Anecdotes of, 633. • Netherlands, Letters from a Spectator in, on Belgic and Prussian Manufactures, 833, 65; on the management of the vine in Holland, 1194 on the manage- ment of 'Merino sheep, 501 on erne. yards in Belgium, and oak planting on heaths, 233. Pelham, letter on the authoratiP 04fgoto a Constant Reader,493 Pelham, letter front the Maker of, 493. Robble's Bride, letter from the author of, 477.
Roman Catholic Generals, inquiry re. specting, by (5,26. Slue Question, answer to the New Monthly Magazine 015, 621 Topographical Recollections - Exeter Change-letter on, by George Sweeten,
Terri fetter on the, front Fulmus, 621. Vision of the Coneys, 709.
Watson's Plan for Preventing Ships Faun. daring at Sea, letter in favour of, by a Senora' Friend, 102,
Worthing, 723, 768.,
Balletth Universe' des Sciences, all Coloured Steel Plates, 76. Construction of Ships, 173.
Davy (Ste Humphry) 1251 hh Death, 3764 Biographical Account of his Life and Labours, 4011,403, 450,470.599,715. Faraday's Glass, 412.
Ingenuity of Philosophers, 76.
invention Impaired by Salary, 504, Locomotive Carriages, 7101.
London Institution, 173. London Lights, 108.
London University lorpeoventents„ 76. Mortality of Rich and Poor, 526. Revolving Blastss200.
Surgery, 556.
GLEANING& Ancient Scotch Monster, 773. Amateur Balla', 190. American Duel, 670. American Epitaph, 670. American Frolics; Sleigh Riding, 603. American Law of Arrest, 39. American Pronunciation .599. Ancient Greek Lease, 52;1.
Anecdotes of the Duke de Henry, 477; or Elephants, 125. Antiquity of Rhymes, 45, Austro-Italian Justice, 71. Authorities,and a Rereiptfor Reconciling the Conscience to Two Wives, 125. A Mother and her Children, in the Plague, 542. A New Oratorio, by Neukomm, 493, A Tale of the Martyrs, by the Ettatick Shepherd, 445, Bavarian Priest, 519. British Cavalry, 44. lfritish Museum, lack of foreign !den- ture, 550. Chinese Couriers, 283 Civilization in France, 826. Civilization of Africa, 444. Comforts of Prison. 709. Cooke, Mr. T. la 783.
Curseof Scotland, 759. Davy's, Sir H., Will. 773.
Decay of Religious Observances, 478. Despernte Stateof the Coro Monopoly,477. Destruction of the Antediluvian Cave of Kuhlock, 542. Education by Travelling, 551. Elements of Discord at New Hammy, 118. Emperor Alexander of Russia, 477. Execution in China, 853. Fancy Picture of the Marquis of Heel. ford, 494. Fluids in Minerals. 262.
Francis the First, 332. German Playwrights; Kotzebue Hung in Chains, 61, German Speculations in Matrimony, 420. Good Fortune, 57. Great Results from Small Beginnings,108.
Hall, Copt „and the Yankees, Ca. Heir to get rid of a Troublesome AM- bassador, 1221.
Interrupted Marriage, 390. Invention of Lithographic Printing, 445. Irish Projectiles, 621. Keen as he was and as he is,646. King's Wine Cooler, 468. Language as a Record,898. Largest Newspaper, 57. Large Telescopes, 742. Last Leap, 805. Lees, Sir H., and the Cow, 789. Literary Discovery, 805.
Medical Superiority of the;French, 358- Mitch Cows kept by Ants, 733. Military Baboons at the Cape, 45. Moral Training, 61, Moral Uses of Voltaire, 301. Motives to Migration in Birds, 269. Mr. Hodgskin's Lectures on the Progreso of Society, 3130. 31r. lt-d's Dream, 2138. Missionary Modesty, 790. Names and Numbers, 709. Naturalist's Walk, 269. Neweastle, Duke of, Anecdote of, 71.
New Lights, 157.
New Miracle in France, 149. Newspaper Retort Courteous, Mr. Cle. ment and the Times, 23. Norwegian Beggars, 221. Oak, 301. Papal Guards, 494. Parallel between the Sultan Malunood.
and the Czar Peter, 526. Pasta's Reception at Vienna, 848- Peculiar Look of Napoleon, 61. Physiology of the Ear, 45. Phrenology, 700. Pisarnni, 157. Poetry Extraordinary, 821. Poverty of the Duke of Wurtemberg, 279, Power of the pope, 135. Receipts for Fashionable Suppers, 208. Recovery of Lost Treasure, 645, Remarkable Tale of Murders 516. Reforming a Drunken Husband, 790. Religious Enthusiast, 485. Romantic aturder, 502. Royal Foreigners at an English Opera,477,,
Sagacity of a Dog. 117.
Scriptural Breeches, 582. Secret Inventions in England, 332.
Siamese 1' wins, 658.
Silk, 301. Sleeping Clubs, 420. Slander Waists, 527. Song, by T. Campbell, 158. Speaking Dog, 71. Spanish .Music and Poetry, 348. Sytoptorns of Reform in Musical Taste, 221.
Talleyrand, 7513 The Age of St. Paul and the Age of Lu. titer, 44. The Giralfe, 428.
Trance, curious case near Cambridge, 57.
Trusting to Providence, 221. Two-headed Girl, 758. Unfortunate Mistake, 433. : Uniform, 159. Utilitarianism, 663. Vanity of Authors, 332. . Vegetation and the Herald, 821. Veaeran Defeated, 2:5. Weight of Sovereigns, 101a, Who lathe Dupe ? 114, Working Clergy, 005.
Yankee Editorial Miseries, 409.
Yankee Veteran, 190.