Partners/iles Dissolved.
P.Tansley and NV. Redman, Brick.lanc,Spitallields, willow-bonnet-manufacturers —T. Horner and R. Gad - halt, Morton, Yorkshire, limeglealers—J. Crafts and H Itishwortb,......
East India Shipping.
By the Madras we have advices from Madras to the 23;1 August, and by S. Undaunted from Calcutta to the 20th of that mouth. Freight still continues very scarce at 4/. to 61. at......
The Church.
The Rev. James F. Roberts, M.A. of Walthamstow, Essex, is appointed by the Elder Brethren of the Trinity House to the Chaplaincy of their Chapel, Mile-eud, London. The Rev. C.......
• Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
111 RTIG4.—On the 22d ult. at Gattonside-liouse, near Melrose, N.11. the Lady of Captai ci Lyon, of a son—In Gower-strcet, the Laily a f the Hen. Charles Law, of a dail4hter—Oit......
Present Distribution Of The Army.
THE ARMY. Regiments. 1st Lite Guards 2,1 do. Royal Mose rids. 1st Dragoon Gds. tel do. 2c1 do. 4th du. 5th do. f1t11 do. 7th do. 1st Dragoons 211 do. ad Light Dragoons 4th do.......