3 JANUARY 1857, Page 20


Partnerships Dissolved.—Eveling and Co. Woolwich, linen-drapers—Dawes and Edwards, Southampton Row, drapers—Shell and Co. Liverpool, merchants: as far as regards IL Shen and C. J. Corbally—Gex and Decosterd, Brothers, London and Rio—Newnham and Sloman, Farnham, surgeons—Webster and Andrews, Leeds, cloth-merchants--Naish and Rocke, Glastonbury, attorneys—Elkington and Orford, Birmingham, surgeons—Morgan jun. and Ridge. Savage Gardens, wine-merchants —Young and Nodes, Leonard Street. Shoreditch, undertakers—Williams and Roberts. Liverpool, sulphur-manufacturers—Aekerley and Hughes, Liverpool, surgeons —Dale and Glover, Macclesfield, cabinet-makers—Walker and Co. and Holdsworth and Co. Burnley, cotton-spinners ; as far as regards J. Walker—Bentham and Fenwick, Durham, brewers—Cox and Sons, Liverpool, iron-merchantsBray and Co. Leeds, engineers ; as far as regards E. Bray—Merck and Co. Manchester, merchants ; as far as regards F. T. and H. T. Schmidt—Ross, Brothers, Liverpool, merchants—Pilkington and Wilson, Liverpool, merchants ; as far as regards J. Pilkington—Bradshaw and Co. Union Wharf, Millvvall, coal-merchantsMarshall and Howden, North Collingham. Nottinghamshire, millers—Mellor and Jepson Manchester, timber-merchants—Pridmore and Sons, Clifton-upon-Dunsmore, 'Warwickshire, and elsewhere, coni-dealers—Purchaa and Son, Ross, Hereford, wine-merchants—Scannell and Haig, Chapel Street, Grosvenor Place, surgeons —Godfrey and Calder, Great Portland Street, plumbers—Iles and Co. Birmingham, makers of imitation marbles—Ripley and Co. Great Tower Street, East India brokers—Wilson and Bell, Wisbech St. Peter's, Cambridgeshire, plumbers—Bradley Hall Iron Company, Bradley, Staffordshire, iron-masters ; as far as regards W. Hadley—Jones, Brothers, Fishmongers' Hall Wharf, Upper Thames Street, merchantsJenkinson and Co. Cannon Street West, hatters—Hoffman and Schenk, Vine Street, Minories, ship-agents—Schenk and Marinello, Vine Street, Minories, ship-agentsTimothy and Timothy, Shad Thames, wharfingers—Burbidge and Co. Bridge St. Southwark, warehousemen; as far as regards W. S. Skillett—Cooper and Co. Maidenhead, surveyore—Dimmock and Co. Stoke-upon-Trent, timber-merchants ; as far as regards T. Dimmock—Northcote and Co. Water Lane, ship-brokers—Pulford and Sons, St. James's Street, tailors; as far as regards It. Pulford—Rae and Co. Manchester, merchants ; as far as regards W. M. Rae—Holliday and Co. Birmingham, linen-drapers ; as far as regards T. Bedford—T. and J. Banning, Great Tower Street, wine-merchants—Druce and Co. Swan Wharf, Chelsea, coal-merchants—Philpot and Roberts, Newnham, Gloucester, grocers—Howards and Kent, Stratford, chemist,; as far as regards A. Kent—Ralli, Sons, London, Les Fits Rath, Marseilles, and Ram, Odessa—Bastow, Brothers, West Hartlepool, iron-foundersLinklater and Co. Wapping and Mark Lane—Nasmyth and Co. Eccles, Lancashire, engineers—Duarte and Co. Liverpool, merchants—Day and Son, Hackney, and elsewhere, coal-merchants—Cockell junior and Coekell, Forest Row, Dalston, surgeons —T. and A. Warren, Bristol, druggists; as far as regards T. B. Warren—Elmenhorst and Co. Mark Lane, merchants.

Bankrupts.—JosErn VAN RAALTE junior, Gloucester Terrace, Banton, importer of French goods, to surrender Jan. 13, Feb. 10: solicitor, Teague, Crown Court, Cheapside ; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street.

JONAS CHARLES HERMANN FEEITND, West Street, Finsbury, boarding-housekeeper, Jan. 16, Feb. 10; solicitor, Jones, Colchester; official assignee, Lee, Aldermanbury.

Wizusa Barn, Tiehborne Street, victualler, Jan. 16, Feb. 10 solicitors, Lawrence and Co. Old Jewry Chambers : official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court.

JoRx KENNARD, Little Queen Street, Holborn, ironmonger, Jan. 13, Feb. 12: solicitors, Mosely and Co. Bedford Street, Covent Garden ; official assignee, Johnson, Baainghall Street.

JOEN ADNAM, Old Fish Street, wine-merchant, Jan. 12, Feb. 16: solicitor, West, Charlotte Row, Mansionhouse ; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers.

GEORGE NATHANIEL Sozotaosr, Euston Place, New Road, merchant, Jan. 15, Feb. IS: solicitors, Phillips and Son, Abchurch Lane ; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers.

Tnomss SQUIRE LAWRENCE, Sutherland Street, Walworth, bone-merchant. Jan. 9, Feb. 20: solicitor, Chidley, Basinghall Street ; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street. RICHARD BARER, Lime Street, merchant, Jan. 9, Feb. 20 : solicitors, Martin and Co. Mincing Lane • official assignee, Carman, Aldermanbuiy. JOHN BnowN, Westbromwich, wine-merchant, Jan. 17, Feb. 7: solicitors, West, Charlotte Row, Mansionhouse Knight, Birmingham ; official assignee, Bittleston, Birmingham.

Jona VENABLES and Co. Burslem, earthenware-manufacturers. Jan. 16, Feb. 6: solicitors, Sutton, Burslem ; Smith, Birmingham ; official assignee, Christie, Birmingham.

WILLIAM Forma, Ellerburn, Yorkshire, grocer' Jan. 16, Feb. 20: solicitors, Watson, Pickering ; Ward, Leeds ; official assignee, Young, Leeds. Jour ALTREE, Liverpool, tailor, Jan. 15, Feb. I : solicitors, Frazer and May, Dean Street, Soho ; tiforecroft, Liverpool ; official assignee, Turner, Liverpool. OATES Satan, Stonefold Mill, Haslingden, Lancashire, Jan. 15, Feb. 5: soliciters, Sale and Co. Manchester; official assignee, Herniunan, Manchester.

JOHN BAILEY, Oakenshaw, Lancashire, cotton-manufacturer, Jan. 12, Feb. 4: solicitors, Rowley and Son, Manchester ; official assignee, Fraser, Manchester. Dividends.—Jan. 26, Fossey and Steel, Millwall, timber-merchants—Jan. 23, Dyte, Strand, stationer—Jan. 23, Tipple, Norwich, shoe-manufacturer—Jan. 23, Polglase, Borough Road and elsewhere, millwright—Jan. 29, Hickman, Sussex Chambers, Duke Street, St. James's, picture-dealer—Jan. 24, Royal British Bank, South Sea IIouse, Threadneedle Street, Re—Jan. 23, Rougemont, Broad Street Buildings, merchant—Jan. 26, Chantler, Eccles, Lancashire, joiner—Jan. 30, Southall junior, Birmingluun, merchant—Jan. 24, Earlier and Co. Sheffield, bankers.

Certificates to be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary on the day of meeting.—Jan. 23, Whiteman,:91 inories, ship-chandler—Jan. 23, White, Vauxhall Walk and Putney, baker—Jan. 23, Turner, Finsbury Street, builder—Jan. 23, Brett, St. George's Street, Ratcliffe Highway, and elsewhere, boot-manufacturer—Jan. 24, Poole, Brighton, livery-stable-keeper—Jan. 27, Stanley, Cannon Street Road, St. George's-in-the-East, builder—Jan. 23, Caatrique, Philpot Lane, merchant—Feb. 2, Apletree, Stow-on-the-Wold, inn-keeper—Jan. 27, Gyles, Charley, dealer—Jan. 26. Whitaker, Rossendale, Lancaster, cotton-manufacturer—Jan. 2b, Comley, Dawley, Salop, draper—Jan. 24, H. and G. Howgate, Sheffield, steel-converters—Jan. 23, Mertens and Sutcliffe, Apperley Bridge, York, dyers—Jan. 24, Howitt, Sheffield, victualler—Jan. 24, Biggin and Co. Sheffield, saw-manufacturers.

Declarations of Dicidends.lturnens, Lower Clapton, carpenter ; first div. 2s. sid. any Monday ; Cannan, Aldermanbury—Gower, Lawrence Lane, warehouseman ; third div. 5 5-6d. any Monday ; Cannan, Aldermanhury—Michell, Bristol, leadsmelter ; div. sills. 64. any Wednesday ; Acraman,!Bnstol—Flynn ; div. of Is. lid. any Wednesday ; Morgan, Liverpool—Addison ; first div. of Is. 9d. any Wednesday ; Morgan, Liverpool—Lace ; div. of 5s. 94. on the separate estate ; any Wednesday; Morgan, Liverpool—Lace and Addison ; div. of ls. 94. any Wednesday ; Morgan, Liverpool, Scotch Seguestrations.—Coekburn, Edinburgh, doctor, Jan. 5—Gallaher, Glasgow, paint-manufacturer, Jan. 6.