Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. NOLWithatalldiq the continued extraordinary activity in the discountmarket, the intelligence of the bombardment of Canton and the still......
Ti 64tairts.
Forty years ago, if any one asked which was the best pantomime in London, he intended to inquire in which piece of the class the effects of Harlequin's bat were most surprising,......
Parisian Theatricals.
M. J. Bouchardy, well known in Paris as the author of several pieces in the " dmme " line produced years ago, has provided the AmbiguComique with a new work of the old class,......
Mr. Thackeray.
This inimitable humourist commenced his aeries of lectures on "The Four Georges," at the Marylebone Institution, on Tuesday. To the character of these lectures we adverted when......