The latest despatches from the Gold Coast show that the
4 Himalaya' and ' Tamar,' with the British troops on board, arrived on December 5, but were ordered by Sir Garnet Woh3eley to sea till he had finished some preparations. The Commander-in- Chief would, however, according to Mr. Cardwell, be in full movement on Coomassie by New Year's Day, and important intelligence may be speedily expected. It is now known that the Ashantee army has never recovered from the fright it received zat Abrakrampa, and in other attacks ; that it crossed the Praia in the wildest confusion, drowning, for example, 300 men ; and that 'Captain Butler, with 50 men, has established a post across the river. The pontoons will speedily be there, and Sir Garnet Wolseley, with 500 Marines and Blue-jackets, has gone up to the Prah to see for himself.